Aerogarden 3


Active Member
My wife got me an Aerogarden a couple weeks ago so I decided to try using it for cloning. I didn't know how to begin just what I've been reading in High Times and on here. So I put them in some rockwool and used rooting gel and put them into the aerogarden. I think they're looking good so far. Any tips?


ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
i believe u could of used neoprene disk with no rockwool, just bare stem in the mist. im currently researching and building an aerocloner. but im not sure about that method, not saying its wrong cause ive heard of it but i have no experience with it, just seems too hit or miss for me; depending on the saturation level of the rockwool.

lookin good though! good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have the deluxe and was thinking of getting a 3 for clones to vegging. Good luck I'll be watching.


Active Member
I have found that if you cover then with a clear Dixie cup till they root it help. You can also starting the clones in the seed starting material that the Aerogarden seeds or Their own seed starting kit. It works well.


Well-Known Member
I'd make sure the tips are below the bottom of the sponge, a little rooting get and turn her on.


Active Member
Alright, I threw those sponges away.:o I thought the seeds for the basil and shit was stuck in there somewhere. So i took em out of the Rockwool and there just sitting in the holders with some rooting gel. Uh, should I start over? It's been 5 days.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I'd stick them in a foam piece if not the sponge from the original. Most people use the at sponges cut from top to bottom to the middle so they wrap around seedling.


Well-Known Member
I think some of there seed or garden kits have them. Many posters are just cutting foam from a cheap kids game and using that.


you don't really need anything i have been using the minin one for two years you just have to detach the light fixture from the base so you do not burn out the plants.