Aerogarden 6pod "spacesaver" unit

so first official attempt at gardening here other than when i was a kid in high school, hope all goes well :) ive been doing nothing but research before i purchased my ag about lighting and nutrients cycles, and this forum has helped me more than i could've imagined. so thank you to everyone whom ive learned from and hope to get help from in the near future cause im sure ill need it.
first and foremost my plans are for small controlled grow 2 or 3 plants total in the future and am in no need of mass numbers of plants and systems. i am in PA and am lacking seeds at the moment so before i spent money on shipping and whatnot i found a seed in some heady buds i got and figured practice with 1 first.

germ was a success, then my little seedling took root in the foam medium that comes with the aerogarden seed pods, i then fastened the net over the pod and into the res tank it went, havnt added and nutrients, PH is just under 6, and temp is good and steady, im using the cfls included in the ag until it pops out through the hole, then ive got a ready supply of 6500k cfls in long bulbs and the new screwbulb type to supply "her" (crossing fingers) with sufficient light. for veg. then was planning on using the aerogarden nut tabs (any advice or anyone against using these?) on the feed chart described throughout posts here. i today pickd up a 5 inch bubble stone strip and tubing and pump for 7-8 bucks at walmart which will go in next time i change res water.. and for anyone else new, i have a brita or equivalent filterd water pitcher, and running my tap water through it, turns it into almost the exact ph needed.. pics in the morning, or afternoon, or soon, smoke some bongs in waiting and plz ask and or give me pointersbongsmilie