Aerogarden club


Active Member
thank you all for the help! I think were gonna wait another week or so to take clones but in the mean time I have noticed that the two seedlings in the aerogarden are starting you yellow from the inside of the leaves out. i have yet to start investigating what the problem could be and was wondering if anyone came across this?

It was yesterday acutally the res was changed and since there is a short of cah for a little a single growing tablet (cherry tomatoes) was thrown in.

could this yellowing possibly come from too much heat in the room? i have a thermom and it sometimes gets in the 90's if the fan isn't on.

Any help as to what could be going on it wuold be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I never changed my res .. I used spring water and never even checked the PH ... The aerogarden nutes worked ,, They have a buffer in them so you cant raise or lower the ph


Well-Known Member
thank you all for the help! I think were gonna wait another week or so to take clones but in the mean time I have noticed that the two seedlings in the aerogarden are starting you yellow from the inside of the leaves out. i have yet to start investigating what the problem could be and was wondering if anyone came across this?

It was yesterday acutally the res was changed and since there is a short of cah for a little a single growing tablet (cherry tomatoes) was thrown in.

could this yellowing possibly come from too much heat in the room? i have a thermom and it sometimes gets in the 90's if the fan isn't on.

Any help as to what could be going on it wuold be greatly appreciated!
Its the AG nutes. They will burn your plants. I would flush and and get some good nutes ASAP.


Well-Known Member
He said he put a hole tab in. The AG nutes are too strong for ganja, especially young plants. A half of a tab maybe OK but a hole one will burn your plants. That's why the leaves are turning yellow. His plants are still young. Less is more with nutes. Those nutes are made for tomato's and herbs. To get good results you really should get some quality nutes that is made for ganja. Check out my plants in my journal and you can see what i am talking about.


Active Member
Cool thanks for the help everyone! im deff going to flush the res and maybe just use some plain water unitl i can get the funds to stop bby the local hydro shop. i will let you guys know what happens!


Well-Known Member
You can get some SuperThrive at the lawn and garden center to get you by until you can get to the hydro shop. Just use a 1/4 of a teaspoon to a gallon of water and adjust the pH to 5.8.
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Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the help everyone! im deff going to flush the res and maybe just use some plain water unitl i can get the funds to stop bby the local hydro shop. i will let you guys know what happens!

I also used Miracle Grow Liquid plant food for my trainwreck in an areogarden .. got it at the dollar store 6oz bottle for a buck.. cant beat it .. I used that and ff big bloom these pics are 3 weeks old



Active Member
I was trying to compile a list of everything I need to hopefully have a successful grow with the AG. I figure I should get the AG Pro 200 so I don't need more lights (although I know more is always better). I was going to use a LR strain as they seem to be good for AG's low capacity.

Once you factor in nutes and pH up and down and tester, and then possibly EC testing. It quickly adds up! About half of the AG's cost.


Well-Known Member
I also used Miracle Grow Liquid plant food for my trainwreck in an areogarden .. got it at the dollar store 6oz bottle for a buck.. cant beat it .. I used that and ff big bloom these pics are 3 weeks old

I don't try to reinvent the wheel. I just use what i know will give me the best results. I try to learn form other people's mistakes . I have seen many grows lost because of mixing different nutes together in all kinds of ways. Miracle grow is meant for soil and really needs to be diluted or it will burn you plants as well. It looks like you are doing OK with it. I see you are mixing foxfarm big bloom with it. Have you ever tried to use the full line of foxfarm nutes, they way they were meant to be used to see what kind of a different result you would get? I have had very good results and a heavy harvest following this schedule with the full line of foxfarm nutes


Well-Known Member
i have a question.ok my crop was about a month old and suffered some heat stress,burned a couple of fan leaves.i cut the ones that had over 50% damage.what is the posssibility that they will hermi???


Well-Known Member
heres what i have in my AG right now. GC on the left and OG Kush on the right. i hope mine turn out like your train wreck.


Active Member
I am starting a batch of Fast Blast in my AG Delux, and I am wondering how long I should wait to add my first nutes? I burned my last grow op of bag seed, and I want this round to go off w/o a hitch. Any suggestions? Also, has anyone in here attempted an AG grow w/ fast blast and if so, how did it turn out? I am hoping for a half o per plant using a 3 part Pure blend nute set up . does anyone think this is a reasonable crop?

