Aerogarden Feminized Auto AK47 x LowRyder II Grow


Active Member
First time growing so I'll lay out what I did.

First my germinated seeds cracked on 9/11, placed them in the aerogarden, I poked a hole in the sponge to allow the roots a path to get to the water much faster. I have 3 Seeds germinated and planted, using the 24 Hour setting, I used half a small tab of the AG Nutrients on 9/12.


All 3 baby's sprouted so far, I am going out to pick up some Mylar to get it more sun.



Well-Known Member
I started about the same time with the Lowryder AK47s. I have 1 terrific looking plant, 1 that I've had to replant in the foam holder but is coming along and one that's just sprouting. I'm using the Aerogarden Pro 100 with Fox Farms Grow Big at half the mix strength for now and will increase it to the full strength mix in a couple of weeks. I have Tiger Bloom when it goes to autoflower.

I'll post photos soon.

Any help at this stage would be appreciated. I've read so much about root rot at the final stage and am really concerned.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member

Out of the 3 it only seems like 1 is doing well, one has some discoloration on the leaves and isn't thriving. One didn't make it past germination and isn't really sprouting.


Active Member
Im planing on the same grow , same plant's same setup will be watching and learning as this will be my first. Keep us posted = )


Active Member
Here is the latest picture, as you can see the 2nd plant seems to have recovered and has started growing again, the 3rd seed is bupkis.



Well-Known Member
Hey im growing a breed of lowryders aswell.

have they started showing sex yet? what sort of light is it you have there?


Active Member
Here's the latest picture huge growth spurt in the past week. My girlfriend is housing the plant and taking care of it so i'll let her know the light is too high.


Well-Known Member
so how old are they now? if you say a month to harvest they must be a month old? they should have started budding by now if they are ryders?


Active Member
yes these are definately Auto Flowering purchased from dope-seeds should i adjust the light cycle? i was informed 24 hour light through the whole phase.


Well-Known Member
The joint doctor, the guy who made lowryders says that these plants grow best on a 18/6 cycle. thats what mine are on now.

if there not showing sex after a month there's something up?

do you know what kind of light is in your aero garden?


Active Member
just the bulbs that came with it, what setting should i put it on :-/ i hope i didn't ruin these plants or are they just stuck in veg stage?


Well-Known Member
Well because they are Autoflowering they flower when they are happy but if you want to switch to 12/12 then use a timer.