Aerogarden HELP!


Its been about 6 weeks and this past week the plant has been gettin brown spots ans the leaves are curling in then the brown spots started turning white a lil... we have put clean water and left out nutrients for 24 hours the light is about 6 inches away from the plant. we had to buy a new light because the plant was getting to tall for aerogarden light. any suggestions plz!?Here are a few pics... plant.jpegplant 2.jpeg


New Member
Without knowing shit about your pH, food I'm going to go with mg def. If so easy fix, add a pinch of epsome salt to a gallon of water along with your food and change the rez with it. Save a little bit and water it down to 30% strength and add a drop of dish detergent and spray it on their leafs for a few days now while you wait for them to improve. The leafs won't look better that are already damage but new growth should be fine.