Aerogarden Pro 100


Active Member
I just received my AeroGarden Pro 100 today, but I haven't set it up yet. I've been reading around alot and have seen that most people recommend FoxFarm nutes instead of the included ones (kills the plants apparently). Once I have my nutes, I'll start growing and post my results.

steve aka koolkat

Well-Known Member
I just received my AeroGarden Pro 100 today, but I haven't set it up yet. I've been reading around alot and have seen that most people recommend FoxFarm nutes instead of the included ones (kills the plants apparently). Once I have my nutes, I'll start growing and post my results.
Just be careful which tablets you use. Start and Maintain are ok. The ones for "sprouting" are the killers - they fry the roots. Also, the Pro 100 units run hotter than the standard units, so the heat factor/venting should be considered in your location. As far as tablets killing your plants, I have pics posted here that say otherwize. Steve


Active Member
thanks for the info koolkat! the "sprouting" nutes are now in the trash... i was wondering if you have any experience using the aerogarden from start to finish? i see from the pix you've posted that you have a decent-sized setup (i live in an apartment, so every little space is valuable). any advice for using the aerogarden all by itself, or any tips on what i should use in conjunction with the aerogarden? any feedback would be greatly appreciated. thanks again for your help!

steve aka koolkat

Well-Known Member
Read my posts, there's only 25 or so. The first couple pertain to plant placement, fans, blah ber blah. If you start to finish them in AG, top em' early, cut back light early, 3 plants max(after picking your best 3 of 7, when they start getting close), and read the post here. I'm a 50 yearold hippie, and I even learned mucho stuff! Thank you roseman for teaching me about root rot...FIXED with Hydroguard, Superthrive, and Hygrozyme(w/ a Y


Active Member
thanks... i've been reading up a lot (added an airstone
& pump from reading the posts). here's my current setup (sorry for the crappy pic):

i haven't added a fan yet, but i will once they start growing (fingers crossed). when the time comes, i'm planning to add a mini ionic breeze to get rid of the smell. i thought about cutting a hole in the top for a fan/exhaust, but stealth is also important (don't want the apartment people to see into my grow box during maintenance/repairs). please offer any advice if i'm missing anything... thanks!

PS quick AG tip: i'm not sure if this is only for NEW orders, but if you say your pump is bad, AeroGrow will replace it free of charge. mine stopped working, so i called it in, and later today it just started working again (probably clogged, even tho i tried EVERYTHING to get it to work), but i'm still getting a replacement!


Active Member
I have a Pro 200, Mine is about 4 weeks old and has already been topped. I'm lookin for 1 bushy high-yield plant. It should have plenty of root room considering it's the only plant, and I've been giving it "Grow Big" by Fox Farm. I'm working on refracting the light but for right now I have white sheets of paper working for me. I have two 4 inch airstones in there. my problem is, the bubbles don't pop, I have a whole reservoir with a top layer of bubbles. almost like the water is soapy. i check the pH and it's usually 5.8-6.2 Any tips?


I have no idea what I am doing! I have been trying to grow in my areo garden for weeks, and there is nothing happening. I know that I must be doing something wrong can someone e-mail me with tips about growing in my areo garden.
sounds like ur plants arnt sprouting. im not sure what ur doin wrong since there r so many factors but if u can get them to sprout then u should be good to go


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what I am doing! I have been trying to grow in my areo garden for weeks, and there is nothing happening. I know that I must be doing something wrong can someone e-mail me with tips about growing in my areo garden.
Are you germinating prior to popping them in th e pod, take a paper towel get it wel put seed in paper towel fold seed in between the wet towel throw the wet towel in a ziplock and set in a cabinent check every day or so once your root pops put the root facing downtowards rez and then put plastic dome until your seed spouts up and pops the seed off then take it off and then you should be fine after that. check out the AG grow guide


Well-Known Member
That's definitely the Cadillac or Rolls Royce of the systems but if you have an older model with an upgrade kit, a figure eight cord and a remote timer you can do the same things.


Well-Known Member
You might also want to try an A/G starter tray. They're about thirty bucks and they come with the growing medium and complete instructions that make it almost impossible to fail. I've had much better luck with A/G's starter tray than with any other seed starting methods. I even start my spring vegetable garden with mine every year and this year I had 58 out of 60 seeds germinate successfully. I don't like germinating them elsewhere and having to handle them later. This is a simple put the seed in the planting medium with the pointy end down then put it in the Styrofoam base, let it float in the nutrient mix and watch it grow. Try it you might like it.


Well-Known Member
I just received my AeroGarden Pro 100 today, but I haven't set it up yet. I've been reading around alot and have seen that most people recommend FoxFarm nutes instead of the included ones (kills the plants apparently). Once I have my nutes, I'll start growing and post my results.
I'm not a fan of A/G's nutes for what we grow. They're designed to feed six or seven herbs or vegetables, not two or three M/J plants. I use them for my wife's kitchen herbs but not not for my crop. You might want to visit your neighborhood hydroponics store and investigate what they have to offer. I've had great success with Technaflora's recipe for success and after two crops I've still got some left over from the original starter kit. Also if you use someone else's nutes use their feeding schedule.
Use distilled or good bottled water, not the crap that comes out of the tap as A/G recommends and change it every week.
You have a very small reservoir. Stay on top of the pH or it will kill your plants. You adjust your pH in your nutes and it changes as they absorb the nutrients in it.
Keep your lights adjusted as close as possible. Two inches off the tops is recommended and its doabel with the cooler CFL's.
I keep mine out in the open for good air circulation. Boxing it up in a cabinet can cause mold and humidity problems.
You're only going to be able to grow two or three M/J plants maximum so close the other holes with "A/G's plugs," they work great and you won'tlikely have any algae problems.
Be sure to add an aquarium air pump and put your babies under a gentle breeze, (Fan), to strengthen their stems when they're a couple of inches tall. With your new toy your'e going to have a ball.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone has seen this yet. You can now control the light cycle and the the grow cycles are a little different. The water is not on all the time for some of the cycles.

Just need to get some LR2 seeds now and I will be set.

Liquid Dreams
I would strongly suggest you add an aquarium air pump and an air stone in your reservoir and plug up all the unused planting deck holes with A/G's plugs.