Aerogarden Problems Rooting/Medium


Active Member
Hi all,

I started 4 snow white fems 18 days ago; i was having some rooting problems where the roots would not penetrate the foam that came with the aerogarden.....

I ended up having to rip the foam in half and guide the root down the middle so that it would get down through the foam to the water

that being said... I'm 18 days in and this is all I have.... are they stunted? should i junk them? should I wait it out? the roots have just touched the top of the water

also, any thoughts for better rooting mediums or can anyone else share any similar problems?

thanks in advance



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nine views and no comments...

someone must be seeing some issues with AG, theyve become popular enough

thoughts/insight anyone?!


Well-Known Member
I have not started seeds on my AG.. so I cannot comment... but I will say that some of my clones drowned before rooting, due to excessive watering...

Most people actually cut the foam, to allow the root to work it's way down...

Come by and take a look... (see signature)

Good Luck...
