AeroGarden Questions/Modifications?


Active Member
Hi Everyone,
I already have an AeroGarden that I bought for my wife for Mother's Day
and we got it a couple of weeks in that mail after than and watching it grow the initial
seed pach that came with (the one with basil etc). I have always thought
it would be good for growing buds since the day I saw it.
I suggested it on another forum and was laughed at.
I wished I had found this site sooner.

Here are the questions and if they were answered in previous posts I
apologise in advance, but some of those threads have becoms so big
they're difficult to quickly navigate.

!. Which setting did you use to grow your buds with?

2. Did you follow the setting all of the way through, switch or manually
turning it on and off?

3. Did you follow the nutritional lights?

4. Did you use the nutrional packet that came with the AeroGarden?

5. Was it difficult to keep it stealthy?

6. Did you use the foam that came with it or did you buy something else?

7. How long from seed to smoke?

8. How happy are you with your results?

Don't feel as though you need to answer them all, any contributions are appreciated
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
you need to do a search for and read techniques the aerogarden!!!

i have an aerogarden a month and a week old from seed,

i added 3 100watt daylight cfl's 40 watt red spectrum floro tube, a figure 8 cable, a timer, fox farms nutrients at half strength, it has been set on salad greens from day one i blasted them with light 24/7 until last week when i started them on 12/12, diy co2 helps FIM and topping is good, as well as pruning. don't forget the airstone and fish tank pump for the resevoir, the roots love it and thrive!!!!


plant man

Active Member
if i was going to use the same ag technique but with a 4 quart container would you need to double the ag nutes or any nutes for that matter?