

Active Member
My only problem with the Aerogarden is how massive the root systems get. I've only been vegging about a month from seed and already had issues with the roots wanting to clog the system. This was with only 2 plants. I've since built my own aeroponic system and bought a T5 HO flourescent. Transplanted the little babies into the new Aeroponic system this past Monday night. Here's a link to my newest post with all of my upgrades . I'm still planning on useing the Aerogarden as a cloner/veg machine in order to keep a constant sea of green going. Let's just hope that both the AK-47 and Stinky Pinky are females.


Active Member
I would just keep adding plain spring water w/ no nutes at all..... Let your plants just revive themselves.....Flushing w/ an Aerogarden will shock your plants.... If by flushing you mean dump the water out and fill will new plain sping water...


Active Member
Well..... An update on my grow in finally here....... I started with 3 Nice bagseed plants in my aerogarden...... 2 turned out to be MALE......and the other..... A FUCKIN HERMIE!!!!! Since the trans-gender doesnt yield NEARLY like a pure female does AND it has like 0% THC ...... I went ahead and cut it down....... I actually gave it 4 weeks total in flowering just to see what would happen since this was my first grow. Just to tell you the last week of growth was super slow, and NO sugar (trikes) was forming on the leaves........ So on 10/7/08 I germanated a AWSOMEbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie HEADDIES seed ( true strain unknown ) and was ready to plant on 10/8/08..... I will take some pics when its worth it....LATER PEOPLES!!!!!!