Aeroponic spray timers?


What do you guys set your aeroponic sprays to whether in a cloner or in a bucket system? I use the titan 1 min on 4 off


Well-Known Member
I am not sure why this is even needed... There is alreadt tons of oxygen in the water also if you add an airstore which isnt needed you will jhave even more. Please explain to me why you need this and not 24/7?
I have an aeroflo 60 and never use a timer.

Any reason behind this?
If you are saying oxygen think again.

Only thing I can think of is not getting the roots cosntantly sprayed with water/nutrient soloution.


I have buckets made that are 5 gal buckets with net pots and misters under and around the net pot. I have 10 connected to a res with a pump pushing water to the misters and return lines back to the res from the buckets. I haven't ran it yet but ii just felt 24/7 would be too much


Well-Known Member
I have buckets made that are 5 gal buckets with net pots and misters under and around the net pot. I have 10 connected to a res with a pump pushing water to the misters and return lines back to the res from the buckets. I haven't ran it yet but ii just felt 24/7 would be too much
24/7 is how aeroponics is ment to be. SOme people run it on a timer for 1/4 or 1/5 minutes on and off.
Aero already has tons of O2 (oxygen). No want need to have it off. Seeing as the rooots are in air not submurged in water like DWC.

If you really want a bit of assurance use a air stone. You can get at any pet store.

No need to get an expensive timer nor do you need it.

I have an aero system and Im not a expert but I do know there is no need for a timer.

DWC is always in water and has no use for a timer either.

Aero is a great way to go mate.

Duddy Wins

New Member
This is completely wrong ^^^^ You just want your roots damp, Then allowing them to slightly dry, I use 1 min on 10 OFF. You will run into root rot soaking the roots 24/7, Thats the craziest thing i've ever heard. DONT DO THAT!