Aeroponics and cloning


Active Member
I have an aeroponic clone box.

I have cuttings that were taken, placed in water and the stems quartered up the length for a small bit. Clonex solution mixed as per the bottle. Temps at appropriate levels, ph is proper range...everything as done many times before.

Placed the cuttings in the box. Ran the pump for about 24 hours then forgot to re-plug it in after checking the water the next day. It sat left off for about 48 hours. When I came back, the cuttings were limp but I got the water back onto the cuts and went about business as usual. ...... I took a couple of cuts from a basil plant at this time and put those into my clone box too for shits and giggles. I like seeing roots grow.

And that is what I am used to seeing.

I leave for several days and return to NO root growth. I am used to seeing root growth like crazy after several days but the ends look brown and ick where there should be a nice gnarly mess of roots coming out. The leaves and stems are great, the cuttings are taking up fluid fucking roots.

My question (but not the only one) is this:
Did that interruption of solution to the tips of the cuttings retard the growth of roots? Are the cuttings beyond saving?

Here is what I did:
I took the cuttings out of the box and re-cut them a little further up the stems, dipped and back into the box.

Proceeding as planned.

Does anyone have any insight into this for me? I'd like to know if this is the correct course of action.

Much peace.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I've always wondered what would happen if there was a cutoff of water to fresh clones. I hope it works out for you but I've got to say that 48 hours without water is an extremely long time when it comes to aero. It's possible your stems began protecting themselves as a result of water deficiency by closing/drying its pores to protect the inner fluids. That probably explains why, above ground, everything seems normal. You may want to scrape the sides of the last inch of stem in order to promote root growth. My two cents. Good luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Id imagine that perhaps your clones got air bubbles inside the stem from sitting without water for so long...this could mean the end for those clones!


Active Member
2010-09-09 15.28.09.jpg2010-09-11 20.07.09.jpgIve done that before, only about 50% survived whereas I get 100% usually. I do not use clonex for the first 72 hours, just filtered RO water and leave it running first 3 days. I think the way you make your cuttings, like Harrekin said can't let air the stem. If Im going to take a whole branch to clone off of, I will cut the branch, immediately after I stick the stem in a vase or submerge the stem in water and leave the whole branch in total darkness for 24 hrs before I start cloning off it. Then after you put your cuttings in cloner leave them in darkness for 24hrs, then go to your regular veg cycle, I use 18/6. This technique came from a old timer along with some techniques to make cuts of clones that never fail when everything is done right.


Active Member
Roots slowly growing on the one plant I left alone. This one is about 2.5 weeks of off the mom.
One clipping has the tall bumps growing on it...
The rest seem like they are some bumps. We'll see.
All of them are vigorous, green, have good texture and turgor....They all look very healthy.

the basil has a cluster of roots that I was hoping for, for the rest of the babies.


Well-Known Member
How often do you guys change the solution in your cloner? Seems to me that it wouldn't really be neccessary as it's a closed system and the plants are not really uptaking nutrients but would be interested to find out.


Well-Known Member
How often do you guys change the solution in your cloner? Seems to me that it wouldn't really be neccessary as it's a closed system and the plants are not really uptaking nutrients but would be interested to find out.
I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but, I've taken cuttings, threw in tap water, and let them work their magic for 2-3 weeks and I had nothing but roots. Never really changed or messed with the water at all. With my system, I'd actually prefer they take a bit longer to root but I suppose we can't have everything:leaf:


Active Member
Good roots. Just changed the little ones to veg nutes. Lost a couple of others....down to about 70%.....Post nute swap, many looked beat. Like they wanted a vacation. After 12 hours of veg nutes....looking spunky. :-)


Active Member
I had thought about just leaving the cuts in water for a while. It would kill me to have this expensive clone box and not use it though. lol


Well-Known Member
I had thought about just leaving the cuts in water for a while. It would kill me to have this expensive clone box and not use it though. lol
By leaving them in water, I mean leaving them in an aeroponic cloner with water running 24/7 or just spraying a few times per hour.


Well-Known Member
OK...I'm a touch slow sometimes.
So am I. Recently, I left a Windex spray bottle in my fridge overnight. When I opened the fridge, I laughed for about a minute straight. That's why we're on a stoner forum. Ironically, I've learned so much here:leaf:


Active Member
HA! I NEED a checklist to make sure I'm not leaving things running or unplugged. About a half dozen times I have left my water filter going for longer than it takes to fill the jugs. BIG freaking mess of water on the floor! Took me too many times to figute out I could leave the jug in the sink.