Aeroponics Autoflower, Having some trouble, Help?


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm going to try to explain this as well as I can in as short of a paragraph as I can so that you guys will read it and give me a hand! (this is my first grow so I am trying to weed out and experience any newbie problems i possibly can this time around, which is why I am so persistent about posting on here with you fine professionals).

I'm growing 2 Auto flower Plants In an Aeroponics Reservoir that is almost a foot tall Tupperware tub (light blocked off from roots) and currently holding about 3 gallons of water at about 70F) I am using 3 inch mesh pots as seen in the photos. Big is starting to get quite a thick stalk, almost like wood lol :hump:

Slang for the post:

Big = Sour Diesel X Lowryder

Small = Power Kush X Lowryder Dinafem

Background Info

Big is 22 days old and Small is 18 days old. (they're both feminized seeds from Attitude)

Big is a badass plant and has given me 0 trouble from the germination stage through til now and continues to grow right on schedule without problem. Even germinating, Big grew a large 1.5" taproot in only two days. Small took about 3 days and only had a small 1/4" taproot when I planted it in rockwool.

Big broke surface after two days of being in the rockwool, small took about 5 days to break surface from planting germinated seed in rockwool.

My Problem

Since big is doing so well and is extremely healthy and giving me no trouble at all, I don't want to jeopardize her in any way, they both share the same res, so when I feed Big her normal nutrients I'm sure small is getting the same amount as big and I'm sure that's not a good thing considering small is maybe half the size if not less but is only 5 days younger??

Now, the other day, I carelessly was changing a 26W CFL light that had been on about 8-12 hours before i removed it. I accidentally dropped the hot light on Small for a total of maybe 2 seconds, reference photos.
Now secondly I was asleep the other night and a 13w CFL I had hanging beside small to get better penetration came unhinged and was actually touching a couple of smalls leaves for a long period of time while it was lit up (only 13w keep in mind for at least 2 hours or more). I am hoping this is the reason Small looks so unhealthy, sick, damaged.


Do you think by the look of the pictures that Small has Nute burn or does she just have a bunch of Physical damage?

Inside the res it seems like both root systems are growing towards the fish tank bubbler used for the aeroponics. they are trying to wrap around it almost (when I flushed the res the other day I very lightly pulled the bubbler away from the roots so they weren't as tangled (I didnt touch the roots at all). Should I worry that the root systems are almost inter twining with each other? I'm sure it happens in nature but is it ok to happen in my res (and how would I fix it if I have to?).

My lights have been about 1 inch away from both plants (each plant has its own set of 85w lighting at this stage, i'm not sure if its to early for small to have so much light or even if big should have her full 100w yet?)


Is there a way I can fix Small or maybe make her feel better so she can go on to give me at least a Z or so even though shes been damaged this early?

If anyone thinks Small is going to cause problems for Big in the future I will cut that little fucker down and throw it right in the trash (I DO NOT WANNA JEOPARDIZE BIG AT ALL).

I would Ideally like to grow 2 plants all the way through but If Small is beyond repair and is likely to yield amounts of bud that wont even be worth keeping up with then ill just cut her down.

If non of this seems like a huge problem and I'm just getting my panties in a bunch i'll keep both and let them keep going as they are (minus letting hot lights touch my babies Newb Mistake*).

Thanks so much guys. If Small needs to be sacrificed for the greater good of big I will surgically remove small and throw her in the trash if need be, but I would like small and big to both work out, that's my dream anyways for the next two months.


Ive been hearing something about a Cal/Mag deficiency and that could be my problem? My PH is at 5.6-5.8 and I'm currently using FF grow big as of week 2 (1/4 dose). which week should I start introducing big bloom to my auto flowers? I live in NH and I doubt there are any Hydro shops especially in my area.... I do take pure organic magnesium and Calcium supplements for my daily routine and going to the gym and all that. If it were a cal/mag deficiency could I chip off a little piece of my mag vitamin and a little piece of my calcium vitamin, crush it up and add it to the res? or is that completely retarded, just let me know I'm pretty new at this, my mag supplements are 500 mg!


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And here is Big, barely a blemish and she's gorgeous. I'm not sure if it was straight up the light dropping onto Small or if its some sort of nute burn or deficiency, if its psychical damage that was quite a fuck up lol.


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auto flowers in hydro are well fun

frist off reinvest into a full product line
here get this is the full line of products has a plan on the side to fallow (it is per gallon in ML drain to waste is what u fallow) u will need some pippettes it makes mixing up the correct amount of feed much easier 1 ml and 3 ml u can get away with 100 pack of each

now with 2 plants in the system keep a eye on it ..............when u get it add 4 ml of micro that is the issuse i am seeing in your plants

now your lights from the pics are way to close ........i respect what u are doing but right now i like to tell u to change out your CFLs .........i started with them myself i know as the plants get bigger u will add in more lights to cover it but what u do not know is the heat becomes unmanaglable with out a use of a strong loud fan

Invest in a set of LEDs .......yes invest the money they cost u will recover in the first grow and u have 41 more grows after that to gain profit/save even more money
led lights are avg of 50000 .....growing auto flowering u can run the system on a 20/4 time the whole way that breaks down to 6.8 years

crash course for u
look for a lens angle of 120 to 90.............120 will get u 40 inches of depth and 90 said up to 60 inches
mix spec lights are a good thing for autos one light can do the whole job
when u are looking at them anything that has UVB in can hurt your eyes so turn the light off when u work on the plants

cheap o leds equals a quick death to the light bad parts ............i own one from these ppl and it works for me i am working on better led brand once i have solid info to share i will

finally a guy on here turned me onto these ppl ........they offer a 90 day refund so u could order it use it grow the plants and then decided if u want to keep it or return for a complete refund (be out the return shipping)

u could go for the white one or the end red and blue ............
OK thats what I sort of thought, How do you figure the larger one has nute burn? so I can point it out myself next time? Should I just flush and add no nutes or justa very ery smal amount
it is not nutr burn ............those the tips get fryed and only the tips then work way down
this is the start of nurt burn 2014-03-10_03-16-24_309.jpg see all the tips on the plant white and getting brown burn tips that is nutr burn

u have a calcium def .........your system is lacking in micrbos and micro nutr

system ops forgiven me but no one has post anything like this one here

check it for self it is a complete sick plant guide............your pics do not match nurt burn
calcium def boron def and N toxic
hence why i said get the complete line ...........the one i posted is a all in one buy

from the sound of it u are using just 3 parts of a whole line here is a copy of the feeding plan so u can see the other parts in the line
feed-sched_hydro-en-color.jpghere is the link

as u can see u are only using 3 parts of a 8 part system unless u are going to spend the money to buy the other parts .......u should really move over to a complete line u will have less issuse and tighter stronger buds in the end
I dont get it, my big plan doesnt have any sort of blemishes or any sort of problems, should I just junk the small plant and focus om the big one? I only have what I originally bought Im just trying to see if I can pull off a plant or two before I start my next grow when I can invest a lot more money. so it is a magnesium/calcium deficiency
order this

it has everything u need to fix the plants has micbros for the water it have micro nutr for the water ...everything u need to finish it off and get something nice

see u have the plants in the same water so the bigger plant vs the smaller plant for use of the goodies........the bigger plant has a larger root mass in the water so it can take in the goodies at a normal rate .........the little plant has a smaller root mass so it intake is less

the day u change the water out they are both fine but later on the week u notice the little one showing signs like it is ..........this is due to the plant not getting enough food becuase the other one is sucking it out ..................the best way to fix this is a undercurrent (the water needs to move inside this will keep the goodies evenly in the water allowing the little plant a chance to grab what i needs before the bigger on takes it out

each plant is different hence the name of the strain they hvae basically the same growth rate and pattern but what they like to use and what they need are different is a meat eater...... one just eats veggies....... one only eat paste..... one only eats seafood

our job as growers is to figure out what it wantes and give it them to get the best out of them ........your a chef feeding your family some girls are picky some girls are pigs

u got a pig and a picky