Mike Young
Well-Known Member
I'd say you have to venture out of the sump pumps into diaphram pumps to get any kind of decent psi. You may notice that your sump pumps are rated in gpm or gph, and not in psi? I learned about this the hard way. Went through several sump pumps, last one being 1200 gph. Gotta love home depot's return policy. The pump I use is 45 psi. It runs 12 misters, and seems to be perfect. That's kind of the low end as far as psi is concerned. Serious peeps are using 1000 psi agricultural pumps. That would be waaaay too much for most growers. It's been a fun learning experience for sure. I'm on my first grow now. I posted a follow-up vid a week or so ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWLotebrQts
I started flower shortly after posting this. I'll make a few more as things progress..
I started flower shortly after posting this. I'll make a few more as things progress..