aeroponics water schedule


Active Member
I recently started using stinkbuds aeroponic setup with 1 min. on and 4 min. off. I was at a dispensary today looking at clones they had in there own aeroponics setup, only they were running their pump non stop 24/7. They had clones that had only been in their for a week with roots hanging down about 10 inches. Does anybody have any experience with the aeroponic watering schedules? using soil and just the bare stem in the neoprene collar? Thanks


Well-Known Member
i have done 24/7 only in my ezclone and had great reults - But wonder if i would get better results by putting it on a timer-im all ears...


Well-Known Member
I have a GH 30 site aero system and they recommend running the pumps 24/7. This creates way to much heat in my small 22 gallon rez without a chiller. I run about the same times as you, 1 on 5 off. I really don't think it matters as long as the roots are wet, BUT the more the sprayers are on the more oxygen the system is getting into the water. Does it make a difference in growth? I don't know but my cycle from clones to harvest is under 60 days. Plus It's easier for General Hydroponics to tell the costumer to run it 24/7 than to tell them to spend another 100 bucks for a cycle timer. Good luck hope this helps


Active Member
Well looking at the clones at the dispensary, they definitely had better results then myself. But then again, stinkbud runs 1 min on and 5 min off and he also gets great results. Ive been running my pump all day and they are already looking healthier. So I guess Ill stick with the 24/7 and let you guys know how its coming. Thanks for the info and ill keep you posted.


Active Member
Also, what do you guys know about running rockwool in aeroponics? I would assume the timing then would be something like 1 min on and 60 min off, seeing that it would hold a lot more water than having just the stem in a neoprene collar?? But honestly I have no idea what the watering schedule would be for running that type of setup, so any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again


Active Member
What about using rockwool in a aeroponics system? what would be a watering schedule for something like this?


Well-Known Member
i run my cloner at 45min on 15 of every hour this give the water and pump a break and helps with heat. my main concern with 1 on 4 off is your pump is going to burn out way quick thats like 250 starts a day