Afganistan Collapse

Before I take a vaccine, I'm waiting for them to up the bribe to TWO donuts and several free car washes.

That's certainly worth destroying my immune system over.
I'll be honest, at this point I don't really care who does or doesn't get the vaccine. The idea that if we all get it the virus will go away is hogwash. If you don't want it don't get it. The majority of the people who were at risk have already gotten it. But I also have no problem with mandates for teachers and medical workers who are around people who can't get the vaccine yet. They can bring their freedoms to the unemployment line. Besides I kind of think that if a bunch of antivaxers who don't believe science happen to get it and die, well boo-hoo, a few less Trump supporters, the country will be better off. But yeah, the average person with no underlining conditions really don't need it like they are trying to claim we do. Amazing that they have managed to scare the shit out of people more now then during the height of it without the vaccine.
Besides it’s not really partisanship, just happens that most of the dumb fcks that are anti-mask and vaccine are from Republican states. Same fcks who yell at my family for being Asian. As far as I care they can all die. No tears shed from me. For real, country will be better off.
Why wait, catch covid. With any luck you'll have long term effects.
My suspicions are you have gotten it and you are now enjoying being a Long Hauler.
Your posts are showing signs.
Hey maybe they'll name a super spreader event after you.
You married? Have kids?Don't answer. Please, throw the dice only for yourself.

Reliable cars as well...benihana type restaurants, those are tasty AND entertaining.
Lol, we don’t actually have Benihana in Japan. It’s very odd, you call it hibachi hear, which are little charcoal grills. We call it tepppan yaki (iron plate cooking). Very expensive and stoic. He’s famous in Japan though as a success story of a Japanese guy making the American dream.
The namesake restaurants are kind of rare, I have only seen/been to one, but that style is all over the place, hibachi/tepenyaki/Japanese steakhouse ...all the same more or less.

The first one I went to is still the best, the owner was a goofy dude that would go cook. At a different one, I heard that cliche and awkward "are you Chinese or Japanese???" question asked to the chef by the people we shared a table with, chef looked straight at them "I'm Mexican." It was awfully funny.
Closest I've been to Japan is Japanese Village. Good Sake and very entertaining chefs that flick food onto your plate with their cutlery and knives. At least they did a number of years ago.
I'll be honest, at this point I don't really care who does or doesn't get the vaccine. The idea that if we all get it the virus will go away is hogwash. If you don't want it don't get it. The majority of the people who were at risk have already gotten it. But I also have no problem with mandates for teachers and medical workers who are around people who can't get the vaccine yet. They can bring their freedoms to the unemployment line. Besides I kind of think that if a bunch of antivaxers who don't believe science happen to get it and die, well boo-hoo, a few less Trump supporters, the country will be better off. But yeah, the average person with no underlining conditions really don't need it like they are trying to claim we do. Amazing that they have managed to scare the shit out of people more now then during the height of it without the vaccine.
Sorry to disagree. A close friend, 45, no health problems, got it - the previous version even - and said he was transported to hell. Weeks of gasping for breath, coughing up vile gunge, and constantly checking the oxygen meter. He said he could see the level dropping on the readout, and then he'd struggle to get some deeper breaths, it would rise, then begin falling again. No thanks, nope, I'll have the little pinprick in the arm instead.
Lol, we don’t actually have Benihana in Japan. It’s very odd, you call it hibachi hear, which are little charcoal grills. We call it tepppan yaki (iron plate cooking). Very expensive and stoic. He’s famous in Japan though as a success story of a Japanese guy making the American dream.
I cannot tolerate actual Japanese cuisine. I was working as an outside contractor on one of their projects in Yemen. A power station. They invited me for dinner but I was unable to eat anything really. It was all unspeakably awful. I recall the dinner began with fermented seaweed. OMG. Then some kind of animal parts that we do not eat in the West. And so on. My inability to eat anything caused a loss of face, I heard. Then I made this even worse by going and having dinner with the Filipinos. It was bloody excellent.
Sorry to disagree. A close friend, 45, no health problems, got it - the previous version even - and said he was transported to hell. Weeks of gasping for breath, coughing up vile gunge, and constantly checking the oxygen meter. He said he could see the level dropping on the readout, and then he'd struggle to get some deeper breaths, it would rise, then begin falling again. No thanks, nope, I'll have the little pinprick in the arm instead.
Oh believe me, I signed up as soon as I could. But if somebody doesn’t want to, good luck to them. I’m not going to mask up for them, I masked up for the people who wanted it, were at risk, before the vaccine. My mother, diabetes, life long smoker had the vaccine, and still got it, week oh hell. Without the vaccine she’d been dead for sure.
I cannot tolerate actual Japanese cuisine. I was working as an outside contractor on one of their projects in Yemen. A power station. They invited me for dinner but I was unable to eat anything really. It was all unspeakably awful. I recall the dinner began with fermented seaweed. OMG. Then some kind of animal parts that we do not eat in the West. And so on. My inability to eat anything caused a loss of face, I heard. Then I made this even worse by going and having dinner with the Filipinos. It was bloody excellent.
Japanese food in Yemen? Try Japanese food in Japan.
I cannot tolerate actual Japanese cuisine. I was working as an outside contractor on one of their projects in Yemen. A power station. They invited me for dinner but I was unable to eat anything really. It was all unspeakably awful. I recall the dinner began with fermented seaweed. OMG. Then some kind of animal parts that we do not eat in the West. And so on. My inability to eat anything caused a loss of face, I heard. Then I made this even worse by going and having dinner with the Filipinos. It was bloody excellent.
Now me -
I think nigiri sushi is what God eats on Sunday.
And I had bomb teppanyaki in a hole-in-the-wall diner in NorCal called Tokyo Subway.
Yes but it seems the corrupt and brutal dictator types were the ones asking and the US obliged them, then left with a big fuck you and good luck to the citizens they totally screwed over. The list is never ending.
Afghanistan and Iraq where flat out invasions, But yea i agree on Vietnam and an ever growing list for sure.
Afghanistan and Iraq where flat out invasions, But yea i agree on Vietnam and an ever growing list for sure.
The shit started in the 50’s with the US meddling in their affairs to fund and back their preferred regime just as they always have. But yes the invasions were a thirst for blood and revenge (partly). I don’t pretend to know all of the reasons though as I’m sure there were a few back stories involved.