Afganistan Collapse

Figdog has a point.

which makes me wonder why you would give the Afghan people’s money to a cruel lot of medievals. It sends a bad message.
O he does. No doubt. Taliban are scum.
But the US was welcoming them with open arms and invited them to the white house and was happy doing deals with them up until they reneged on the pipeline.
Like it or not- its their money to do with as they see fit. Hopefully that would build destroyed infrastructure...but probably wouldn't be.
O he does. No doubt. Taliban are scum.
But the US was welcoming them with open arms and invited them to the white house and was happy doing deals with them up until they reneged on the pipeline.
Like it or not- its their money to do with as they see fit. Hopefully that would build destroyed infrastructure...but probably wouldn't be.
No. That man did. This is not on the nation.
No, just gave you as much rope as I normally give people, at the end you have no redeeming qualities so no point in pretending that you might.
You just got upset because im happy to debate you with facts and figures and yes with my own beliefs and thoughts in twined. That's how discussions are done. If you want to go off tap and insult thats fine but it normally means a person is out of their depth in the conversation. We all don't have to agree on everything and its silly to assume we would. And thats OK. If you are a liberal thinker and believe the majority are worth more than the individual, if you believe in a fair go, as us Aussies say, then we are very much alike. If you want to be a sook and carry on then that's fine as well but that's on you.

I get that Americans often don't like what i say. I often hold a mirror up to you.
Maybe the banks holding the money should just open up an account for each of the citizens of Afganastan and divide up the money evenly among them and go from there.
Maybe the banks holding the money should just open up an account for each of the citizens of Afganastan and divide up the money evenly among them and go from there.
Thats a top idea! Rather than open accounts for each citizen they could just Direct debit the money into their accounts like the Gov does for Tax returns, welfare , pensions and stimulus payments.
Not sure if it could work in practice but i like the sentiment.
The majority of Afghanis dont want Taliban rule. The Taliban took over by force.

The money belongs to the Afghan People, not the Taliban and the majority of the Afghan People dont want Taliban rule. They are not a legitimate government. If Taliban wants the money, let them win fair, and open elections. Until they do that, they can suck wind.
The majority of Afghanis dont want Taliban rule. The Taliban took over by force.

The money belongs to the Afghan People, not the Taliban and the majority of the Afghan People dont want Taliban rule. They are not a legitimate government. If Taliban wants the money, let them win fair, and open elections. Until they do that, they can suck wind.
Don't they? Yet they are more powerful than before we invaded them for no good reason (apart from that pesky pipeline)
Are not most Governments a product of Force? Can you think of one in a large country that hasnt been?
America's and Australia's certainly has been.
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The money still belongs to the Afghan people, and they dont want Taliban rule. Simple as that
Also, hopefully we as so called civilized people have evolved beyond genocide, and dictators. 2 wrongs dont make a right.
Bottom line is the Afghan people dont want Taliban rule, and so the Afghani people are against giving the Taiban money, to use against them. The Afghan people arent going to gain anything by letting the Taliban have their money. They dont want the Taliban in any way, shape or form.
The money still belongs to the Afghan people, and they dont want Taliban rule. Simple as that
Also, hopefully we as so called civilized people have evolved beyond genocide, and dictators. 2 wrongs dont make a right.
Bottom line is the Afghan people dont want Taliban rule.

Agree, the money belongs to Afghanistan.

They certainly didn't want US rule, nor Russian rule or English rule or ....

Have we evolved? Did you hear about the Insurrection in America? How a sitting President tried to become a Dictator? Have you heard about all the civilians killed by America and its allies the last 40 years? The invasion of countries for no good reason..Iraq for eg. What about all the riots America has had the last few years? Mass shootings?
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They certainly didn't want US rule, nor Russian rule or English rule or ....

Have we evolved? Did you hear about the Insurrection in America? How a sitting President tried to become a Dictator? Have you heard about all the civilians killed by America and its allies the last 40 years? The invasion of countries for no good reason..Iraq for eg. What about all the riots America has had the last few years? Mass shootings?
Are you going somewhere with this, or is that just verbal epilepsy?
Some people havent evolved. Also some are mentally ill. Like our past dictator, er president, and his cronies. We are always going to have greedy, mentally ill people that make it into high places.
Bottom line is that the Afghan people dont want the Taliban. The money is the Afghan peoples money, and the majority dont want the Taliban in any way, shape or form. All this other beating around the bush is Obfuscation.
When Taliban have a free, and open election, and they win, they can have the money.
Bottom line is that the Afghan people dont want the Taliban. The money is the Afghan peoples money, and the majority dont want the Taliban in any way, shape or form. All this other beating around the bush is Obfuscation.
When Taliban have a free, and open election, and they win, they can have the money.
How do you know they dont? They have always had a large support base. Lots of countries don't have free, open elections. Do you want to steal all their money to?

I bet i can find Americans on this very forum who don't believe you have free open elections.
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Your post is not well-focused, to the point of being difficult for me to read. You’re usually more coherent. Since I couldn’t answer to myself what you really meant, that post.
Depends how stoned and drunk i

Isn't it funny how we have always called ourselves civilised but other cultures (often much, much older) are not. British to the Australian Aborigine. British to the American Indian. Romans to the Brits.