Afghan kush 1 week flowering pics


Well-Known Member
Hey all, just bought a new cam and cant wait to test it out!:leaf:
I vegged the girls for 35 days, a little short yeah maybe but im low on space atm only 4-5 foot clearance right now. Vegged with 400w hps from sprout to present. Having a yellowing stripe problem though on new growth not sure what it is, if anyone does let me know but here are some pics:weed:

A couple look droopy, i just watered


Well-Known Member
have no fear cheez ningas here....they look alright.... no worries, im growin the masta(kush).... chill them mutherfuckas out..and wait for the calvary which should be arriving directly...i let mine veg 1 and a half months....and i endid up wit a four footer.... i have more room....ill be watchin....


Well-Known Member
i have subscribed really wanna see your grwo journal. My spelling sucks. I have 400 watt mh hps and wanna start veggin under the 400 watter soon. I got it for flowering but it camer with 2 bulbs. Hear good things about kush so keep posting, nice pics. just fininshing my first grow dwc.


Well-Known Member
Looks like light bleaching. The top on my girl has it bad but she's fine. you should be OK


Well-Known Member
That is a def. caused by pH unbalanced more than likely, at beginning stage, unless it gets worse I wouldn't worry too much but try to bring the pH up to 6.3-6.8 runoff, just my 2 cents :)


Well-Known Member
its hard for me to alter my PH beyond what it already is, i heard of pouring lime or vinegar in your water to change it, anyone have any more info on that?

Light bleaching is what i thought since i can get my hood almost 3 inches from my plant tops, it was like that for a week during veg


Well-Known Member
My hood is only 4 inches from the top of my plant, thats as far as I can raise it... shes 50 inches tall. bleached from the light(400w) I'll post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
If you can't fix the ph just transplant it in a container much larger, it's a deficiency problem as was stated earlier, probably becuase the ph is too far off but more fresh soil in a bigger pot is sure to fix it. Once your ph is too far off to where a good normal flushing won't cut it that's the only way I know of to fix it for sure, but then again I've never tried shoving dolomite lime or anything else down a plants throat until it either choked or got better either.

Light bleaching? No... It's ph nutrient lockout and it is probably holding the plants growth back.


Well-Known Member
If you can't fix the ph just transplant it in a container much larger, it's a deficiency problem as was stated earlier, probably becuase the ph is too far off but more fresh soil in a bigger pot is sure to fix it. Once your ph is too far off to where a good normal flushing won't cut it that's the only way I know of to fix it for sure, but then again I've never tried shoving dolomite lime or anything else down a plants throat until it either choked or got better either.

Light bleaching? No... It's ph nutrient lockout and it is probably holding the plants growth back.
yep listen to this guy


Well-Known Member
If you can't fix the ph just transplant it in a container much larger, it's a deficiency problem as was stated earlier, probably becuase the ph is too far off but more fresh soil in a bigger pot is sure to fix it. Once your ph is too far off to where a good normal flushing won't cut it that's the only way I know of to fix it for sure, but then again I've never tried shoving dolomite lime or anything else down a plants throat until it either choked or got better either.

Light bleaching? No... It's ph nutrient lockout and it is probably holding the plants growth back.
damn that makes me worried for my babies now, the weird thing that gets me is that im using the same water for my other plant and its doing just fine, its even growing slower :confused::confused:

i got some new pics for you guys



Well-Known Member
damn that makes me worried for my babies now, the weird thing that gets me is that im using the same water for my other plant and its doing just fine, its even growing slower :confused::confused:

i got some new pics for you guys

Different plants need and use different things at different times...I am using soil, any 1 of my plants started doing that, I ignored it at first thinking it would get better as I watered and nutes, but it got worse and worse, and this was only on one plant...the whole new growth turned i did a quick flush and transplanted and the color has came back almost to a full green, just a slight yellowing still visible. i would take care of this now, but don't over do it, just flush and transplant into good soil...GL