Afghan Kush Growth


Active Member
A friend of mine found a seed in 2Os of Afghan Kush and gave it to me.

Currently I have 2 random plants growing and I want to plant this seed and have it as my first growth from germination to smoking :).

If there are any tips you guys have for growing this specific strain Id greatly appreciate ittts


Well-Known Member
Works well in sea of green setup. Pretty damn near being a 100% indica.Typically a moderate to light heavy feeder. Internode spacing is small. Does not stretch too much after photoperiod switch. Moderate yielder considering its almost a pure indica. Smoke is amazing if you like a narcotic headsplitting stone. The taste is definately hashy. Makes awesome hash oil or hash.


Well-Known Member
What method do you guys find works best for germination?
Just pop it in a cup of water and leave that in the airing cupboard. Works well for me , or between 2 small dish plates have kitchen paper towl, leave the seed in the towl and keep moist.
All seeds require to germinate are dark, mild heat and water
paper towel in dvd case, ontop of something warm. I put the dvd case in my clone tray thats ontop of seedling heat mat. They bust with tail and all in 2 days.
I have actually just started to germinate that exact strain in a jiffy plug (ive missed 1 seed out of 23) So good luck to the both of us :D


Well-Known Member
Damp paper towel in a coffee can with a lid...i've had a 100% success rate with this method never a seed that hasnt sprouted yet and afghan kush is actually one of my next ones just waiting on arrival


Active Member
Right now, i got two unknown plants growing. I FINALLY got them in the house under DECENT lighting. got it in Black Kow soil. (Couldnt find black gold) I am going to move them into the closet tomorrow, and BOOST the wattage bulbs. A friend of mine has offered to help me out on my budget, as long as I call em when its done :D lol. Gonna put them under 500 watts 5000k bulbs until they about 24'' and switch emm to 200 watts 2700k. Once I see how these turn out, I will plant my afgan. I was going to plant it now, but these plants will be ready for harvest to soon, and only one grow room. i dont have a veg and flower room. SOon though, soon :D lol Im going to post pics in another post, theyve got me kind of nervous. they look like they were being ate..... a leave or two had wilted on one plant. Im hoping that replanting them will help since its got better soil now instead of the soil filled with weeds (not the kind we want) and herbs. (not the kind we want)...


Well-Known Member
sounds good, just really, you dont need to switch the lights, if you have them all, run them all. the added spectrum will help during all phases of growth.


Active Member
I couldnt find 6500k, I thought 5000k would work?!!!???

And your guys are righttt just, i didnt have the money to buy the 2700k bulbs yet :) lol

but i will get some tomorrow for sure :D

If I were just to put half and half would it work? 2 100 wat 5000k and 2 100 watt 2700k?


Active Member
thanks canabineer, i got two pretty females, pictures posted under "finally transplanted and brought inside".


Well-Known Member
If its for one plant and you want to flower 2 2700k and 1 5000k and yes 5000k's work...if you can leave a 6500k and a 5000k at all times that would most mimic sunlight and theirfor give you a better grow...hope they turn out beautiful, on a side note mine will be under 600 hps by tomorrow...


Active Member
so when I go to flower, I should add another 2700k? I believe I have 8 5000k bulbs and equals 200 watts.


Well-Known Member
Yeah for veg do 200 watts 5000k 200 watts 6500k and 150 watts 2700k or something along those lines...whatever you can accomodate