Well-Known Member
Cool purp man. U got Green haha..
Shit's lookin good man!ok..heres a lil update...
one sprouted with the head still in the seed,,im not cuttin it and gonna wait to see what it does its a couple days old and still looks good.The other is looking just fine.
ph 5.8-5.9 ppm somewhere around 375-400(truncheon).BP system and growlab on its way as well as hids.Ill get it all next week.(HOPEFULLY)
and the nlXww is cracking!It should be planted by tuesday!
All's I gotta say is....The ball is rolling now!ill post pics whe everything done!
lookin fuckin sweet man i will send you some pics of my plants in a minuit my dad just left and i got 40 minuits left of light man i love the light its how many watts is ur light mane?
wow had to read 12 pages before the journal actually started haha, purp ill keep up on this one GL!
Hell yeah, the best time to experiment is when it might die anyway. If it's turning green, I wouldn't chuck it just yet either.naw my man,im gonna ride it out till it starts dying if it does,at the top where it was brown,is turning green like its gonna start forming leaves.So this is a lil experiment too,ya feel me!
good news purp mate, now there aint noffin stoppin ya. Best of british luck to ya buddy>>>>>>>>>![]()