Afghan kush ryder looking small for 10 days please help! Pics!

Alright so I started 3 auto flower afghan kush ryders about 14 days ago and they broke soil 10 days ago. They were under 2 fleuros to begin with then a 150 HPS was added with another 2 fleuros about 7 days in. I was nervous about them all sprouting with the seed case so I planted a AK47 Lowrdyer 2 seed about 8 days ago and now its the same size as the afghan kush ryders. here are the pics, the pic with the 4 pots, the one in the front row to the right is the ak47 and the other 3 are teh afghan kush ryders. should i be nervous or is this a normal size for a 10 day year old from soil seedling? its just wierd how the ak47 turned to be the same size in a much shorter period of time.


Well-Known Member
how far are the lights? are you watering only when the sold dries, and when it dries? they do seem small..
the fleuros are about 8 inches, and the 150w HPS is about 18 inches. theres also a fleuro on each side. im hella nervous fuckkkkk

and yeah i water it when the soil gets dry. i highly doubt im over watering or under watering it due to the fact you can see the AK47 x Lowryder 2 is growing perfect and is the same size as the afghan kush ryders even though its like 6 days younger. this makes no sense. am i just wasting light on them r they not gonna grow if there that small at 11 days from breaking soil?


Well-Known Member
Dont worry man, Your fluros should be like 1-2 inches away from the plant. To prevent stretching. Everything looks fine. Just give them a watering with some plain water, and move your lights, you can even move that hps closer. Like 12 inches.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have the HPS 12 inches away when they're that small... Overtime yes, but not at this point in time... well killer, I wouldn't fret then, seems fine...


Active Member
Hi guys. My friend had an Afghan Kush Ryder and it was small compared to the other plants he had which were about the same number of days old. He was worried as well that there ws something wrong with it. These are small plants genitcally it seems, so I wouldn't worry about its smaller size. The smoke was pretty good though : )


Active Member
dude mine is like 17 days old and it is very small. I think they grow like that because they are small to begin with.


Well-Known Member
give thm time to take off
bring yo lights down to about 3 or 4 inches off
can start givin them mild food at about 1/4 strenth
sum start slower then others
whut light cycle

i start mine in red cups transfr at about 3wks