Afghani Auto's


Hey there, im currently growing 3 Aghani Auto's and i like to know how high these go, im getting little worried about the current size. since im in a Hydro box height is a issue. wonder if i should of topped them.....
oh and im on day 46. Thanx



Well-Known Member
Don't top them. They are autos. LST or weight the side branches down then bend the top cola over. Even if you gently bend until you feel it give the bend (it will be sharp) will form a callous and heal within 24 hours. Support if needed but it will not kill it, just deform it. Which is what it is going to do if unchecked.

BTW the top cola will begin growing back upright or attempting to almost immediately. It will just look weird.


Well-Known Member
They dont look like they have auto'd to me

if thats the case chop them to a 1/4-1/3 rd of there size give 1 week to recover then flip to 12/12


just pre-flowering at the moment, i was little worried about topping. now im not sure what to do..conflicting suggestions


Well-Known Member
pre flower at day 46 doesn't seem right to me mind. 95% of autos are normally done within 70 days if your 46 days in it dont look good
photo strains indicate sex in veg as well i would search for the net on the stability of your strain


After looking at my calendar seems my days are off, but anyway i decided to LST seems more practical and don't want to Top them just to be safe.


you are def out of room there guy lol, if they are in veg some super cropping wont hurt them much best of luck