Afghanistan: Herion out. Hash in.


New Member
Whats a poor Afghan farmer to do? I remember when I looked forward to the afghan harvest and the cheap hashhish that came in around December along with the best weed from down south, oh the good old days.


Well-Known Member
they should leave those people alone and let them produce whatever they can sell!

i've read reports about the poppy and how the farmers refuse to let the government spray herbicides on the crops because of environmental concerns. those are the same herbicides that most states and many counties spray on the sides of thousands of miles of US road to cut down on mowing frequency and save a few bucks! lol, we're supposed to believe that some afghani farmer is concerned with the environmental implications of herbicides which he has never heard of?

the CIA has us so well trained. :)



New Member
I read somewhere in Afghanistan, there was a pot field as far as the eye could see with 20 ft. tall plants, a virtual forest of pot. I remember in the 1970s seeing a National Geographic special on a tribe of indians in central America that lived in a virtual MJ forest and made the MJ plant part of their tribal ritual. They made a butter out of the resin and used it on everything they ate. Even the children were stoned, every indian in that forest had a perpetual grin on their faces. One older gent, climed up into what I surmised as a male tree, about 35 ft. tall with branches in the 10-15 in. diameter range and chose a male flower (about the size of a basketball), stuck his head inside and squeezed and snorted the resin, then slithered down the tree and leaned against the base and quivered like a dog shaking fleas. this lasted about 20-30 seconds, then he crawled off. That must have been some rush. I've never seen that program again on TV. I also saw about this time frame, a tribe of Nepalese natives that made a butter out of THC, they were also a very smiley people. I'm trying to grow some Nepalese Bud right now, who knows, maybe I'll be smiling too much to post.


Well-Known Member
Awesome article! Sometimes I wish I could farm my plants with a tractor! I agree with 7x 100% , leave theese people alone! Havent they been through enough? If afgan goverment was trouly for afgany people they would legalize ALL drugs and let the smugglers take care of the rest...The country woul have been rebuilt in no time!


Well-Known Member
If people left other people the fuck alone and everyone had the same oppotunities for a decent life there would be no terrorists. But no, instead we make enemies of people who have some of the shittiest lives on the planet and turn them into terrorists. Then we opress them even more and draw even more people to their cause.

The whole war on terrorism is just as back asswards as the war on drugs. Digging our own graves making more enemies.

I'm not saying we shouldn't blow up fuckers who do try to kill us, just that the whole strategy is wrong. Let them grow opiates and weed and actually make a living. It won't matter, we still have the same amount of drugs and drug addicts here anyway.

We should be giving all these countries a hand up, not a slap in the face.


Well-Known Member
Actually, The Taliban was very hard on the growers much more so then we have been. That Drugs support Terrorism thing is a myth. Unless you mean the Mexican narco-terrorists, they are real enough, and would go away if we decriminalized Drug abuse and treated it as a medical condition.