Afghanistan's New Cash Crop


Well-Known Member
Not realy new, but if I havn't seen it, its new to me! Anyways, just came across this video surfin youtube. I can't believe the prices of hash down there. 50 cents to 1 dollar for a good sized slab of hash! God, if they brought that here... they'de make a killing. If you went up and bought some for even 5 bucks a slab, you'de be well off. Just thought I'de share this video though. Sorry, I don't know how to embed videos but I'm sure someone will help me out.

Sr. Verde

Herb is cheap as fuck in the ghetto parts of the world, and hash is way more prevalent than buds


Well-Known Member
But seriously. All someone needs to do is buy thier hash/bud for twice what they usually get, which isn't shit. Bring it back to the states and either make alot money off it. Or have somthing to smoke for months with say.... 50 bucks! But yeah, wouldn't risk being held hostage in Afghanistan, or getting through customs with 50 slabs of hash. lol


Not realy new, but if I havn't seen it, its new to me! Anyways, just came across this video surfin youtube. I can't believe the prices of hash down there. 50 cents to 1 dollar for a good sized slab of hash! God, if they brought that here... they'de make a killing. If you went up and bought some for even 5 bucks a slab, you'de be well off. Just thought I'de share this video though. Sorry, I don't know how to embed videos but I'm sure someone will help me out.
I've heard that a lot of hash from that area and europe is sold with like lead and shit in it to make it look more smokeable. I heard of people dying from shit like that, not to say that's how it is there though, with their cheap ass hash ;-)