Afgooey or green crack


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="MR.GREENGENES";4137260]anyone know where to source a good healthy clone of either strain?[/QUOTE]

VIP alameda & federal regularly has afgooie not sure about clones but you could call and ask em


Active Member
Hey EC I'm in the Denver area and would love to get my hands on some real afghooey...can you help a brother out? :shock:


I have a HUGE (for my little room) afgooey that really needs a trimming, but due to my root aphid issue ATM i am not willing to try to root any.
If you would like a (or several) cuts however that you can root yourself, i would certainly be willing. I do not believe that the RA's would be transferred in a cutting, but i am sure EC will step in if i am risking infecting your garden.


Well-Known Member
spot on T. raw branches are best to avoid infestation. but to be safe, i'd wipe/sterilize each clone I took from the branches (end user)


I am then, can most likely get you larger cuts also.
EC is probably the one who is better to meet up with, def a favorite around here!