After germination


Well-Known Member
So once my seeds start sprouting in the paper towel, and I put them in my pot is it alright to put my 400w light on it or do I need to wait. I don't have any cfls and would just rather use what I got.


Well-Known Member
put it in a good size pot ..........3 gallons minal for large yeilds 4 oz ......5 to 7 gallons for hp and up

once they are in the soil ......use CFLs or T5 a 400 watt on a seedling is to strong .........10 days to 2 week under the cfls/t5s then u can move to a 400 watt (want it to have 2 or 3 nodes)

next time just use the jiffy plug method ...........look up jiffy plug refills u get those use warm water and then put the seed in (to do this right look at the seed has a bulb end and a point end ......plant it so the bulb end is down and pointy end is up )..from there u take that plug and put it in the middle of the planter and then give a cup of water too

rem city water needs to be filtered or allowed to sit and release the chemicals they add into it ........well water u should be good to go ...........and with soil grow u want a organic feed system (this feed the microbos in the soil and helps keep the plant healthy with out much work while u learn ) the go box is a good system has a plan on the side to fallow how to do it

u need 1 ml and 3 ml pippettes too to mix the feed..............what ever feed u mix and do not use dump it out it will not last until next time



Well-Known Member
put it in a good size pot ..........3 gallons minal for large yeilds 4 oz ......5 to 7 gallons for hp and up

once they are in the soil ......use CFLs or T5 a 400 watt on a seedling is to strong .........10 days to 2 week under the cfls/t5s then u can move to a 400 watt (want it to have 2 or 3 nodes)

next time just use the jiffy plug method ...........look up jiffy plug refills u get those use warm water and then put the seed in (to do this right look at the seed has a bulb end and a point end ......plant it so the bulb end is down and pointy end is up )..from there u take that plug and put it in the middle of the planter and then give a cup of water too

rem city water needs to be filtered or allowed to sit and release the chemicals they add into it ........well water u should be good to go ...........and with soil grow u want a organic feed system (this feed the microbos in the soil and helps keep the plant healthy with out much work while u learn ) the go box is a good system has a plan on the side to fallow how to do it

u need 1 ml and 3 ml pippettes too to mix the feed..............what ever feed u mix and do not use dump it out it will not last until next time
Thanks man! The seeds had sprouted about a quarter inch so I put them in the pots, 1 gallon for now, first I watered the soil until runoff and waited a second so it would settle, then put them in dark tent with saran wrap over them until they poke up through the soil. Then I'm gonna turn on the light. Does that sound okay??


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm such a newb, but gotta start somewhere any help would be appreciated I don't just wanna ask someone where I live lol I don't want anyone knowing. I think I'm doing this correct from what I've been reading..

diet coke

Active Member
your lights are ok, just dont get them 2 close. Just dont love them to much, water when dry and food when hungry.


you should be fine putting them under 400watt mh, its what i have always done and has worked for me. just make sure the light is not to close and the temps/humidity are ok aswell


Well-Known Member
Well my light is 3.5 feet away with temp of around 78.6° and humidity of around 33% I need more humidity huh?? I am thinking my inline fan might be pulling all the humidity out??? I have passive exhaust that should be good enough thinking of putting a bucket of water in there to see if that helps. Should I leave the saran wrap on until they poke out?