After Harvest BBQ Dec 12/13/14th Fri/Sat/Sun.........


Well-Known Member
FYI, seeing you post a few months ago that you were treating it, I got a kick in the head.

'If this guy can do it why the fuck can't I give it another try,' I thought. For once the VA had open slots, an appointment was even open for the next day!

Sometimes I get caught up in memories, treating patients and trying to mend their wounds. No longer, time to put my attentions and efforts into mending myself.

Things get better a little more everyday.

Thanks. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've got my hands full with roasting a pig & getting an RV & firewood.....if you guy's want t-shirts your gonna have to handle it.....with that said, I'll take 1 in XL......


Well-Known Member
FYI, seeing you post a few months ago that you were treating it, I got a kick in the head.

'If this guy can do it why the fuck can't I give it another try,' I thought. For once the VA had open slots, an appointment was even open for the next day!

Sometimes I get caught up in memories, treating patients and trying to mend their wounds. No longer, time to put my attentions and efforts into mending myself.

Things get better a little more everyday.

Thanks. ;)
I'm right here with you brother...


ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
A shirt with a pig and a vape hanging out of its mouth no good ? Prob wouldnt go down well when u answer the door and are wearing that when u need to show your certificate