After nute burn flush questions ? help please


Active Member
Alright so i had nute burn issues and i was advised to flush my plants so i have done i did it with about 10 litres of water on each plant.

5x The church fem - Just finished week 4 of 12/12

Ive left them to dry out fully getting some oxygen to the roots.

Now i am wondering where to start with nutrients and feeding. I obviously donr want to burn them again so i know i need to cut the nutes down but i dont want to starve the plants and end up with a crappy yield.

Here is what i was using before the nute issues and flush


So what should i go with now after flush ?? It will be the start of week 5 when So what should i go with ?? half strength or what ?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, a base nutrient with 5 PK boosters, I'm surprised that didn't turn out well for you ;).

Here's my suggestion; throw all that garbage in the trash. Go out and get an all purpose plant food and feed with restraint.


Active Member
I dont have any more money to spend on this run to be honest, what would be the best thing to do with have i have already? keep base nutrient and lose some of the pk boosters? just keep one or 2?


Well-Known Member
I dont have any more money to spend on this run to be honest, what would be the best thing to do with have i have already? keep base nutrient and lose some of the pk boosters? just keep one or 2?
I would keep the big bud defo, you using 4ml per litre on that?? U mixing into 10L bucket? Bit much that if you are isnt it? Thought BB only states to mix 2ml per litre? With mine i only use my canna a&b, calmax, rhizo in veg and big bud & overdrive with my base in flower....good luck!


Active Member
Sorry i should of been clearer the above feed chart is a mix into 2 litres of water not 1 litre. when do you stop using big bud? i got told to drop it after the end of week 4?