After Smoking, What's the First Thing You Do?


Active Member
Sometimes I smoke, watch the news, hear about a cannabis bust, get depressed, smoke some more, watch family guy, laugh, eat, nap, start cycle over again....

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
imediatley after i smoke , i go take a dump and jack one out whilst im dumping , its really exhillerating to poo and shoot your man dollop at the same time


Ursus marijanus
I want my innocence back.
I should have known better ... no excuse there ... and never have borrowed it in the first place. I've been sort of deliberately-accidentally forgetting where I misplaced it. I can't even remember what made which stain, and the obviously failed attempts at removing them are doubly embarrassing. I *hate* returning something in obviously worse condition than how I received it. cn
Well I just smoked some of my shit( pretty high,a happy chill high ,cause this was from a un ripe batch), hopped on the computer chair went to you tube looked up some Patton Oswald stand up comedy then I realized my speakers dont work because I have to listen thru my house phone that works on fuckin Magic Jack and my brothers using it, so I said "ffuuuuuuccckkk" hella slow while i came here and read this :hump: