Si'll start of by saying hello, hi everyone, so I'm new here.well here goes nothing, hope ya'll can answer my question as I might not ask it in the correct two weeks ago I ordered seeds and they arrived two days ago, I purchased Mosca Sonic fly, I have had the in damp paper towels in my closet for two days and put each seed in the paper towel into a zip lock bag, I dropped a few seeds into a cup of room temp water, now I'm just waiting for the seeds to sprout, the question I have is, once they have sprouted, what's the next step? And if soil is involved what brand of soil is the best, I'm not looking for technical answers as I'm a newb to all of this and I'm far from a scientist lol. I want the next step to be somewhat easy.i'm going to do and outdoor grow.thanks for all of your helpful tips and answers, cheers and enjoy the rest of your day.