Ag first grow. help is appreciated


Active Member
You don't need additives, is all personal choice.
I use superthrive at first along with the nutes, some say it's good, some say it does nothing. I am now using botanicare sweet and humbolt gravity since I have around 3 1/2 weeks left. I can't tell you if it is helping or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt.
Things like hydrogen peroxide and cannazyme or hygrozyme are not required, but I was watching my plants like a hawk, multiple times a day, adding water, changing water every 5 days and really watching for issues, added 2 pumps, airstones and still had the roots turn brown on some. So now I just feel better using these products and have had zero issues once I kept using them. I don't want to change now since the plant is looking excellent and is so close to the finish.

Check out the aerogarden faq thread, there is pretty much everything you need to know on there. But remember, most of those people are doing a 100% AG grow, my AG is only used to start seeds to under 4 weeks and clones, you have to do different things when you plan on moving them to a tent, like pulling them from the AG before the roots get too large to remove and keeping the roots from getting tangled up with the other plants roots. Also, the AG pods which I mentioned earlier in the post will cut off the roots, so have to watch that. I grow all my plants and clones now in rapidrooters, no plastic pod to get in the way, they fit like they were made for the aerogarden holes and my last plant was 8 inches and supported it well.

Good luck!


Active Member
im looking to do this thing 100 percent in the ag. should i worry about the ag pod its already in? and my mogul socket came today so im just waitn to get that dam ballast and then im ready to run my 400w mh then hps bulb. ill put some more updated pics up soon. just been too high to go back to my dorms to get a charger from my computer.


Active Member
I would clip out the plastic pices on the side and leave some holes to let the roots come out better. You have to really watch doing a AG 100% grow, the water level goes down fast. When the plant gets around 11 inches, I was going through a 1/2 to almost a gallon of water in the 1 gallon AG a day. I had 3 plants and was to many for it. That plant I took out of the AG, all the roots I don't even know if they would fit back in the AG. If you are going to flower it under a different light source, you might as well wait till the plant/s are 3 weeks or maybe 4 and stick them in a 3 gallon bucket(black or blacked out to not let light in) with a few airstones. A 400 watt MH over the AG might warp it to the point it is unusuable again and make the little 1 gallon res really hot which will give all sorts of problems and kill the plant. I am running a 150 watt hps over mine, in a tent now in buckets and the water temp is up there. The AG is just a tank with the airstone basically and a ok light for vegging, is no different than using a rubbermaid container cut out for pots with a light above and pump and airstones in the water, just bigger. With the warmer water there is a greater chance of root issues, is what made me have to use the peroixide and cannazyme. I even think the 3 gallon buckets I have may be too small and 5 gallon may be the way to go. I have a 4 inch can fan/airscrubber, smalll fan running 24/7, window open. vents on the tent open and temps are in 60's here at night and 70's in day, my lights come on at night when it is cool out and in the a.m, and my water temps are around 80.


Well-Known Member
you can go 100% AG, but like you said, the water does go down fast, but i think he should be good with one plant, as long as you dont leave for a weekend thinking there gonna be fine then it should be OK


Active Member
does anyone else suggest that i cut the plastic off my pod? its the start of day six and there are some roots starting to come all the way through the sponge. two more leaves are staring to form and i just got some of those GH nutes from a store around me. Im gonna start adding those today or tomorrow, do u think i'm at seedling of mild growth as far as the GH feeding schedule goes. here are a couple more pics of the plant.(shitty third picture but its the roots in the sponge)



Well-Known Member
i would keep them on, thats just what he did, i never had any problems like that, but even so later on if you have to its eazy yo break them off, i would still say your at seedlings, how old are they? just start out at 1/4 strength, i think of those measure spoons if you start with 1/8 tbs you should be good, then just slowly work your way up, the feeding scheduel is just a basic format, most growers end up trying new thing and just working with it, so if your start a low dose, its easy just feed more as you see fit. The AG is basically a gallon, so when you add nutes, change out and flush the rez, and add that gallon of pre mixed nutes into the water, then when they get bigger during the week inbetween the feedings, just give them pH' adjusted water when they drink


Well-Known Member
Get a one gallon jug, and fill it with pH'd water, and add your nutes into that, then once every week, after you change the rez water, use that to feed them, and in between feeding, just use pH adjusted water when the rez gets low


Active Member
I did my veg for 5 weeks in the AG, some of my roots were larger than a pencil, and was difficult to remove the plastic on the sides of the pod without cutting into the roots(talking about removing like every other one on the side, but leaving the bottom on). You have to be 100% sure you want to do the entire grow in the AG, once you reach a certain point the roots get 2 large to remove and the 1 gallon res is going to limit your harvest. About 4 weeks now out of the AG and my stalk is about the size of the AG pod holes and side branches are about the size of a nickel round.

Add some airstones, watch the roots for any goo or browning and get the nutes and ph right. You will see if your roots grow too big and you will know what I am talking about when or if it happens. I grew with the AG lights to 5 weeks and a few cfls on the side. If I had a MH I can't even imagine how much bigger it would have been, I had roots trying to come back out of the AG there were so many. Maybe that superthrive I used made the roots go crazy.

I'm not sure why your doing a 100% AG grow though if your using a 400w MH, A 3 or 5 gallon bucket with fishtank pump and a few airstone with give you a much much better yield, and you could use the AG to start clones. Using the larger bucket with a MH also will keep your water temps lower to help combat issues too. I'm hoping to get 3oz right now from my first AG plant, if I would have finished it in the AG, I prob would end up with oz maybe. Most people grow in the AG to do small plants, using a 400 watt MH will totally reverse the reason to even use the AG and for the cost of a bucket and airpump it is worth it and easier to work with your plant and you could actually leave the house overnight once in awhile. Honestly, I have to add 1 gallon of water a day to my first girl. :weed:
Just telling you the newbie things I ran into, my first plant has a few more weeks, so I haven't finished and still learning. Have a 2nd plant now that just showed female(purple budah), is 10 inches tall(just put into 12/12), 2 mind warp babies, a purp budah clone I just did and a moby dick seed just stuck in water last night.

Read the AG FAQ's and you will find it helps with headaches in the future. :leaf:


Active Member
I'm not talking about the ease of using the aerogarden, I agree it is a good setup to do in a corner or closet to make it all in one and simple. But, when you add a 400 watt MH to the picture, it becomes a larger scale grow, you need to remove heat, still cover the AG in 12/12, have to hang the light, so the ease of using just the AG goes out the window. A rubbermaid tub, small one with 4 airstones and a airpump in it, is the same thing as a AG and the results can be better and less cramping of space for the plants. In a 100% AG grow using the AG lights till finish, then I wouldn't even bring up the other way of doing it. But a small bucket with airpump doesn't take up any more space than a AG for a grow if your using a big 400 watt light anyway. If I knew my AG was just a 1 gallon tank with a airstone in the center I would have just bought a T5 light and a rubbermaid and made my own. I never used the timers since I do mine 24/0 and 12/12. I was using 1 150 watt hps and heat even started to come into the picture, I just bought a second one and now I really have to watch out. I'm not trying to put my way of doing on anyone, I am just giving my suggestions, can take em or leave em.


Active Member
thanks for the tips. my plants about a week old right now. using 1/4 strength nutes. I only have 1 plant so im just gonna stick with my ag. ill keep an eye on my plant almost everyday. I dont plan on going away anywhere for the night unless im gettin my dick wet in some trick ass bitches room. ha but my between me and my roomate we will be there to make sure it gets the water it needs.


Active Member
dam man. pictures like that keep me going. im got aways to go still. my 400w hps/mh ballast just came today. the thing is fucking huge. holy shit. im about to so solder this bitch to its base. i see and N and an L to solder to. which one is negative and positive?


Active Member
yea shit. after i was doing a little looking on google and RIU most ballast are different. im gonna put pics up. its looks pretty easy though. its just 2 wires going to solder joints on the ballast. however instead of negative and positive it says N and L on the ballast. i post a pic soon