AG Garland appoints special counsel

Maybe it's time to fire up Trump air farce one, ditch his SS detail and get outta dodge! Too late for a visit to the Golf course in Scotland?

Trump’s 2024 Bid Swayed Garland—But Not In The Way The Ex-President Hoped

21,381 views Nov 18, 2022
“Trump clearly thought that his campaign announcement would offer him some protection from all the very, very intense legal peril he is in,” says Chris Hayes: “Instead, he now has a world-renowned prosecutor coming straight from the Hague prosecuting war criminals to determine his fate.”

Why George Conway thinks Trump is in 'substantial' trouble

59 views Nov 19, 2022
George Conway joins CNN's John Berman to discuss the Justice Department's appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel overseeing investigations into former President Donald Trump.
Well Jack, get any death threats yet? How long from the announcement will it take to get the first one? How long before your doxed and nasty people are standing in front of your house exercising their rats! Maybe some lunatic will exercise his second amendment rights on ya. Join the club, along with the judge, jurors and witnesses all will get plenty of death threats. Donald is gonna start naming names and he will simply refuse to be indicted! :lol:

He will try to burn down the country when he is indicted, and the judge will have to muzzle and perhaps even jail him until trial. Many people indicted for this shit are held upon arrest and the cuffs will go on in court upon conviction and he should be held in custody until sentencing. I don't think it will be house arrest, they will have him in a cage somewhere and I'm sure the department of corrections is thinking about their options already and building the gallows during the trial!
Well Jack, get any death threats yet? How long from the announcement will it take to get the first one? How long before your doxed and nasty people are standing in front of your house exercising their rats! Maybe some lunatic will exercise his second amendment rights on ya. Join the club, along with the judge, jurors and witnesses all will get plenty of death threats. Donald is gonna start naming names and he will simply refuse to be indicted! :lol:

He will try to burn down the country when he is indicted, and the judge will have to muzzle and perhaps even jail him until trial. Many people indicted for this shit are held upon arrest and the cuffs will go on in court upon conviction and he should be held in custody until sentencing. I don't think it will be house arrest, they will have him in a cage somewhere and I'm sure the department of corrections is thinking about their options already and building the gallows during the trial!

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, shall we?
"stochastic terrorism", i hadda look that one up.
I have been in boards for close to 20 years. Boy there's some smart ppl in here,
plus they seem to know their cannabis horticulture and chemistry too. Glad I found RIU.

I guess I should come out and commit myself. Before the election I thought the very
worst, and I prognosticated so in a post here somewhere. Thank God my guess was wrong.
I'm surprised voters turned out enough to at least not lose the entirety of both
houses, but those votes were all so close across the board, all looking like 49% to 50%
votes. That's just scary still. I hate to say the civil war word, but the insanity won't stop.
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From what I can gather Jack doesn't fuck around and lawyers can argue about the necessity of a special counsel, it does protect Garland and the investigation from republicans in the house. He has nothing to tell them, and Jack won't appear while he is prosecuting Trump, which means after he is done with J6 too. He has a reputation for fast action and is very smart, learns real fast apparently and is no pussy. Donald should be worried I expect great things from Jack, like convictions over the secret documents after a trial so fast Donald won't believe the courts could move so quickly, the courts must be rigged too! I can't see the judge setting aside more than a week or two for the trial, it is a simple case, the evidence is overwhelming and his defense non-existent.

I'm surprised Garland made this move before the Georgia run off and it seems to indicate he wants Donald indicted, plead and perhaps convicted before the new congress sits. This case isn't fucking rocket science, there is nothing complicated about it, and it happens all the time, there is no reason for delay and as soon as he gets back from Europe and up to speed, the indictments should drop. This is not a legal mountain to climb, more like stepping on an anthill, so don't be surprised by a fast trial and conviction.
Will see, I am of the view he is going to keep on skipping away, but would love to be wrong. Crime brain me is very impressed, it's like when I realized you can just not open the door if the cops knock. If they have a warrant that doors coming down, but eh, fuck off with a knock and talk.

I think the chance of a civil war/uprising has diminished quite a bit, sort of like putin, the emperor has been shown to not be wearing clothes. He has the diehards, but having Fox stop carrying his water is going to seriously hurt him with the masses.

Trump’s lawyers were dreading special counsel appointment, sources say

41,142 views Nov 19, 2022
Former President Donald Trump’s legal team did not know beforehand that the Justice Department was going to announce a special counsel, but they have been bracing for the possibility, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN.

Trump lashes out at special counsel appointment during speech

76K views 1 hour ago
After Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel to oversee two investigations involving former President Trump, Trump lashed out at his resort in a speech on Friday.
Well at least we know tht Jack Smith IS a Prosecutor and not a namby pamby dithiering asshole like Gutless Garland. So that's a plus.
Well at least we know tht Jack Smith IS a Prosecutor and not a namby pamby dithiering asshole like Gutless Garland. So that's a plus.
I don't think he will show Trump any deference at all and will proceed like any other case over the documents and obstruction. By the time the J6 trials roll around next year the Kingpin will be in prison for life and not so many deals will be given for testimony. Trump will blubber and rat everybody out as he goes down or sits in prison. Also, the magats in congress will lose their back stop and it would be useful to have Donald in court or tucked away by the time they take over.
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Well at least we know tht Jack Smith IS a Prosecutor and not a namby pamby dithiering asshole like Gutless Garland. So that's a plus.
I get the feeling you don't like Garland. Lol.

But he's in a tough place, no?

You've seen the utter nonsense being spun by the right concerning these cases? That 30 to 40% are going to blindly believe?

Special counsel seems like a better approach.

The good guys still win sometimes.
This will be one of those times, the Mar a Largo case is open and shut.