Agent Orange smoke report

i agree with you, hail. the internet is bad, in the way, that people are free to insult others, knowing that not saying it in person, will not result in the slap in the face i HAVE GIVEN people. usually, ones who insult online, are COWARDS in my exp. they talk big on line, and "cower" in person. the same goes for online gaming. people learn they can be rude, with no conseqences. this is why the young turn into gang bangers. not getting their ass whipped for lack of respect, as they grow up. perhaps, after our "godlike" president gets his ass whipped, we can start working on this "respect others" thing, and move ahead. (or back, as our marxist leader calls it).
i agree with you, hail. the internet is bad, in the way, that people are free to insult others, knowing that not saying it in person, will not result in the slap in the face i HAVE GIVEN people. usually, ones who insult online, are COWARDS in my exp. they talk big on line, and "cower" in person. the same goes for online gaming. people learn they can be rude, with no conseqences. this is why the young turn into gang bangers. not getting their ass whipped for lack of respect, as they grow up. perhaps, after our "godlike" president gets his ass whipped, we can start working on this "respect others" thing, and move ahead. (or back, as our marxist leader calls it).

Out one side of your mouth your saying the internet is bad allowing people to insult others unfairly, then you go on to insult our president.
Your boy Romney says everyone gets what they want without substantiating it with numbers or math and that's not "godlike"? He can simultaneously hold both sides of every single issue and will apparently solve all the nations woes on his first day in office!!!
Marxist? foward, backward, hmpf, your confused bro.... I call foul and hypocrisy!
Man I can not wait until the election between the douche and the turd is over. Take that crap to the politics forum.
If any of those comments where directed to me let me explain my comment. I was not saying anything bad about the strain at all. In fact I have 3 clones of Agent Orange going right now. It is a very nice smoke and smells like citrus. Looks dark green with dark orange hairs. The fact that I personally dont list it as my favorite is only my opinion, each person likes a different type of smoke. I like berry fruity, kushes and skunky buds.