Agent's 2nd Organic Grow- Pineapple Chunk, LSD, Euforia 200wCFL/600HPS


Well-Known Member
yes u live in UK or yes your feeling lucky? hahah
Yes and I always feel lucky...My dad says, boy you'd rather be lucky than good!!!!! Never know I was in the military I could lookin in your window right now...LOL:wink::wink::-P

You must ask yourself Agent,,,,would he leave paradise to see me in the always great weather UK....I might...


Well-Known Member
forgot to ask agent how tall are your PCs at the moment?
YEah AG I wanna see how big your PC's are toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......whoo hoooo, Oh MY
The dirty gonna come back round...Who got u thinkin like that Boy...LOL


Active Member
how far are your lights away from the canopy? sorry for all the questions im just curios to see if ther suseptible to stretchin like the LSDs maybe its just barneys genetics that are prone to that problem??.......just had a quick cross check your girls seem to be doin fine height wise..... think it was just me having a moment pmsl... there what 2/3 weeks in to flower?? so a nice size :-) dam i cant wait for my soil to turn up

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
there about 17 inches i would say. The Euforia is the squatist plant so far- with really tight spacing of nodes- pretty hard to see where one leaf starts and another ends plus it is by far the most greenest out the lot, the LSD is quite stretchy in comparison, But the leaders of stretch so far are the PC's but ive strapped them down the most so the canopy of all them is quite even atm and ive placed the sedlings higher to match too. I could go closer i reckon but from information i have read with it being 600w, i think the strength of the light should make up for some distance.??

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Yes and I always feel lucky...My dad says, boy you'd rather be lucky than good!!!!! Never know I was in the military I could lookin in your window right now...LOL:wink::wink::-P

You must ask yourself Agent,,,,would he leave paradise to see me in the always great weather UK....I might...
Gord lord i hope your not spying on me self tanning atm lol and jees i wanna leave the 'great weather of the UK' good job its holiday time for me next week, yay :D

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
After a rather interesting week in Spain and entrusting a friend to look after the plants im finally back, albeit shook up from the god awful flight from Ryan-Air ( which sums up cattle truck mentality to a t, i may add! even the seats didnt move from a bolt up right position!!!) The plants have gone a bit crazy and from what i see in need of some deficiency fix- im guessing they need some epsom salts but starting to bud well- i'll post some pics tomorrow as just got in and its 02.18 in the morn :D


Active Member
welcome back agent glad you had a good time :) i had same problem with ryanair on way back from mallorca at the start of the month im pretty sure those fuckers have squeezed in a few extra seats now cos there leg room has gone from minimal to none fuckin existant pmsl and there wasnt even enough room to store luggage in the over head storage....anyway enough of my rant :D glad your girls are ok cant wait to see wat they look like.....mine are roughly a week old now had one lsd that took 4 days to pop and one that didnt do anythin but all the others are nice and healthy the barneys blue cheese is the strongest one so far cant wait for that :bigjoint:

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
welcome back agent glad you had a good time :) i had same problem with ryanair on way back from mallorca at the start of the month im pretty sure those fuckers have squeezed in a few extra seats now cos there leg room has gone from minimal to none fuckin existant pmsl and there wasnt even enough room to store luggage in the over head storage....anyway enough of my rant :D glad your girls are ok cant wait to see wat they look like.....mine are roughly a week old now had one lsd that took 4 days to pop and one that didnt do anythin but all the others are nice and healthy the barneys blue cheese is the strongest one so far cant wait for that :bigjoint:

LOL think you hit nail on head with Ryan air there lol, not fun with a 3yr old i can tell thee lol, anyway you started the journal on yours yet? :D Any yeah literally big joint time! :)


Active Member
yeah i know what ya mean lol .....wasnt to sure bout a journal this time got a touch of paranoia goin on with this site lol im sure its ok but with more than a few plants growing even tho its all percy im still undecided :confused: lol
just had a look i cant restrict who sees my journal by making it private...paranoia cured.... so if you wanna follow it agent youll have to join my contact list :smile:

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Ok so being away has made me realise how much they can grow within a week! I have taken photos and there is some slight chlorosis happening on the majority of the plants- im thinking Mg so ive taken precaution and fed them some epsom salts accordingly but tell me what you think from the leaf shots- it is hard to acurately portray what im seeing as the lights make it hard. The Euforia is very very bunched and bushy and doesnt seem to stretch like the others- im a bit woried about it although it is by far the healthiest looking and most green as the leaves are so close together im wondering whether to lightly tie the brnches down for light penetration purposes. the PC's are really growing some and starting to bush out nice but have the most visable signs of some deficiency-ofc i think some maybe burn of some discription as well as nute def which i thought Mg as the lightness starts more at the leaf edge with some yellowing and brownish spotting but could be wrong where the leaf veins are green and at the heart of the leaf it starts to subside in variation of colour? The LSD is quite lanky at the back but budding. The 'behind ' seedlings have picked up the pace with one also starting to bud and looking reasonably healthy, the other unfortunately looks a bit poorly ( im guessing its the WW) it looks like its overwatered but its not- the leaves look droopy, as they have for a few weeks and im starting to hope its male as im losing patience with it tbh. The only reason i can think is that its pot bound but since that and the other one were late developers they got the smaller pots! Heres some pics advice and comments welcome and appreciated :)

View attachment 1241208View attachment 1241207View attachment 1241201View attachment 1241203
pic (1)All Plants, pic (2) Euforia, pic (3)Euforia close up, pic(4) PC (No1)

View attachment 1241202View attachment 1241199View attachment 1241198View attachment 1241197
pic (1)PC (No2), Pic (2) LSD, Pic (3) LSD seedling, Pic (4) Seedling budding
View attachment 1241206View attachment 1241204View attachment 1241200View attachment 1241209
Pic (1) Stupid plant ?WW, Pic 2,3 & 4 Leaf Probs ? deficiency


Active Member
dam they are lookin good :) nice short and very pretty...lookin at the leaf problems i would say they are looking slighty nute burned, are they crispy to the touch at the tips? if not and they are still soft then that could also be another sign of an Mg deficiency hopefully the epsom salts will help, also the leaves that are drooping look like they have been over watered is there any chance that could of happened when you were away maybe? :(

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
nah its looked like that for weeks its been treated the same as the other slow starter- even leaving it to dry up more than a desert has not helped -still stayed droopy- hasnt started to bud either like the other so im thinkin root problems, the nute burn is still evident yep- and its crispy in some places low down, but now the leaves are lightning up im getting the same patchiness only not crispy and its higher up plant with the paling leaves bit like rusty sploges more than burn.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Should i be concerned about the euforia not getting light below the top canopy- itsa weird plant its so unlike the others- very very bushy with very small internodal space. The nodes are so close together and stem so rigid and thick as a result i doubt i can even bend it, its got so much leaf growth at the bud sites i dont know whether ill be able to increase the light intensity/ filtration to the sites unless i physically prune it- which im kinda loathed to do- so im scratching my head on that one atm as theoretically it should be well into budding by now as its supposed to really finish 2nd week into december.


Active Member
Should i be concerned about the euforia not getting light below the top canopy- itsa weird plant its so unlike the others- very very bushy with very small internodal space. The nodes are so close together and stem so rigid and thick as a result i doubt i can even bend it, its got so much leaf growth at the bud sites i dont know whether ill be able to increase the light intensity/ filtration to the sites unless i physically prune it- which im kinda loathed to do- so im scratching my head on that one atm as theoretically it should be well into budding by now as its supposed to really finish 2nd week into december.

yeah thats a tough call...i wouldnt reccomend pruning her as that could stress her and if shes not flowering fully then the other risk would her turning hermie but its something only you can decide... maybe that strain is prone to the bushy growth if thats the case then i wouldnt worry to much...looking at the pictures shes got nice big sun leaves is there any way you could move her away from the other plants to increase light or even put her directly under the light?