Agent's 2nd Organic Grow- Pineapple Chunk, LSD, Euforia 200wCFL/600HPS


Active Member
nah its looked like that for weeks its been treated the same as the other slow starter- even leaving it to dry up more than a desert has not helped -still stayed droopy- hasnt started to bud either like the other so im thinkin root problems, the nute burn is still evident yep- and its crispy in some places low down, but now the leaves are lightning up im getting the same patchiness only not crispy and its higher up plant with the paling leaves bit like rusty sploges more than burn.

yeah MG guessing youve only just started with the epsom salts so give it a few days and see if that helps....what size pots are your girls in ? have you checked for any insects? sorry for all the questions im just trying to help lol :)

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
yeah MG guessing youve only just started with the epsom salts so give it a few days and see if that helps....what size pots are your girls in ? have you checked for any insects? sorry for all the questions im just trying to help lol :)
Hmm cant see anything with regards to insects- had whitefly ( i think) last time and bought strips, but nothing (touch wood) i can see atm. With the epsom satls i've put a tbs in a gallon and watered all plants with it- do i keep watering them at that strength until they green up or only for a certain length of time? With regards to the Euforiai've moved it into the centre now and kicked the poorly looking weedling plant to the outskirtsbongsmilie


Active Member
did you wash your tent out between grows? because white fly (if your sure thats what they were) have a tendency to lay eggs in the cracks and creases of the tent..i had problems with thrips and on my last grow they start out looking like very tiny white lines and then they grow wings and fly around munching on the leaves which end up looking see through, i also had soil gnats which eat away at the roots and stunt growth on the plants grrrr lol i put it down to the soil (which was biobizz all mix) cos of the huge chunks of bark in the mix anything could be living in it before youve even started growing in it....with a bit of luck the Euforia should pick up now :) and IMHO i would use the epsom salts every other feed till they pick up then reduce the dosage to half :leaf:

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
did you wash your tent out between grows? because white fly (if your sure thats what they were) have a tendency to lay eggs in the cracks and creases of the tent..i had problems with thrips and on my last grow they start out looking like very tiny white lines and then they grow wings and fly around munching on the leaves which end up looking see through, i also had soil gnats which eat away at the roots and stunt growth on the plants grrrr lol i put it down to the soil (which was biobizz all mix) cos of the huge chunks of bark in the mix anything could be living in it before youve even started growing in it....with a bit of luck the Euforia should pick up now :) and IMHO i would use the epsom salts every other feed till they pick up then reduce the dosage to half :leaf:

Yep washed it thoroughly with antibac spray, ill keep on with the Epsom salts then, ty for the advice :D


Well-Known Member
Welcome back Agent. Plants look OK. I think you are on the right track. But WTH do I know.
Oh my a plane ride with a 3year old is tuff in the best of conditions.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Welcome back Agent. Plants look OK. I think you are on the right track. But WTH do I know.
Oh my a plane ride with a 3year old is tuff in the best of conditions.

I think you know more than me for a start lol- what do u reckon to them- in particular the euforia- its so bunched up im worried about the light getting to the buds so much folliage its certainly different to the other varieties lol :D thanks for stopping by :D


Active Member
absolutely beautiful mate, they look like very happy and healthy plants, short stout and bushy most of them, keep it up im subbed on this

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for stopping by and your kind comments,Yay a fellow country man ( or woman :P) I'll be sure to look in on yours too- always good to see comparisons- only second grow so still learning lol :D

Thanks Agent xx


Well-Known Member
OK heres what i think after viewing the pics.
1. spread plants out under light. U are only using a fraction of the lights area.
2. Drill holes in the sides of the pots tie plants back and open up the plant.
3. droopy plant I would ditch it, after all the effort you put into it and it still doesn't wanna go. dud. Or you just set it in the corner and see what happen water with r/o water only. The only problem is white flys will decend on it..
4. Keep up the epsom salts with a very mild fert...Veg fert. Even parts of NPK. Like 5-5-5. Keep flushing.
Just my .02 cents.
Hae a good Sunday

Hey Agent you are like a suped up car, in a rented go cart town!!!!!!!!!

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
OK heres what i think after viewing the pics.
1. spread plants out under light. U are only using a fraction of the lights area.
2. Drill holes in the sides of the pots tie plants back and open up the plant.
3. droopy plant I would ditch it, after all the effort you put into it and it still doesn't wanna go. dud. Or you just set it in the corner and see what happen water with r/o water only. The only problem is white flys will decend on it..
4. Keep up the epsom salts with a very mild fert...Veg fert. Even parts of NPK. Like 5-5-5. Keep flushing.
Just my .02 cents.
Hae a good Sunday

Hey Agent you are like a suped up car, in a rented go cart town!!!!!!!!!

All ready tied em down in early stages so minus the drilling ( i opted for the retaining string method tied round base where others are anchored to it ) but then was under impression not to tie down in flowering as it stresses them- shall i just lightly tie tops then to get light past canopy?

they are cramped together your right- just wanted to keep em under the direct glare under light reflector- light is a bit more muted beyond but keeping them that close is probably doing me no favors either. The Euforia ive had a play with and theres just no movement in it due to the spacing between nodes- dont know whether pruning is a good idea?

i'll keep on with the epsom salts:D

Yeah i guess i am a pedal to the metal kinda girl;)


Well-Known Member
All ready tied em down in early stages so minus the drilling ( i opted for the retaining string method tied round base where others are anchored to it ) but then was under impression not to tie down in flowering as it stresses them- shall i just lightly tie tops then to get light past canopy?

they are cramped together your right- just wanted to keep em under the direct glare under light reflector- light is a bit more muted beyond but keeping them that close is probably doing me no favors either. The Euforia ive had a play with and theres just no movement in it due to the spacing between nodes- dont know whether pruning is a good idea?

i'll keep on with the epsom salts:D

Yeah i guess i am a pedal to the metal kinda girl;)
Yeah just get the Europhoria main stem tied to the side, the the under branches will pull fofrward and to the light., However if the plants feel its enviroment is ah, cramped, the they will just stay bunched up.

Something told me you were a petal to the metal kinda GAL!!!!!!
Good Luck, I know you peeked at my Journal today, The new pics, you can see all exterior plants are tied back to the sides of the tray. Makes them feel like they got some room.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Right just come out of tent after wrestling with the Euforia- no easy match i can tell ya! Shes a strong one and so getting her to bend for me was near on impossible! The stem under the top leaves, although split from fimming, is thicker than my thumb! i have managed to persuade the plant to widen its gap at the 2 main Colas ( eventually) and also lightly tied down 2 other side branches- i've taken some shots of what i've managed and of the stem- bear in mind thats a shot from under neath the top leaves! I've also tied down a few tops on the other plants just so they look a bit more 'even around their tops- i've also moved them a bit to give them some breathing space :D


P.s I think the sickly weedling got scared from your comment- seems to have picked up considerably since last night lol :D

Happy halloween :D

Agent xx

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Lookin good Agent!!!! Let those babies free the power of the light all over.

LOL heres hoping- i think i'll limit the different strains next time to one or two- they all exhibit different traits- short and bushy to tall and lanky- its hard to adapt the way you treat them all individually- plus im running out of things to build the short one up to meet the rest lol :D


Well-Known Member
LOL heres hoping- i think i'll limit the different strains next time to one or two- they all exhibit different traits- short and bushy to tall and lanky- its hard to adapt the way you treat them all individually- plus im running out of things to build the short one up to meet the rest lol :D
Thats Just good thinking Agent!!!

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
SHIT- The Euforia has split at the stem- well i say split more of a crack bellow the bulbous part where it meets the main stem ( at the 'V') i've taken off the ties but im worried whats gonna happen next- shall i leave it or cover it with tape or what- SHIT!

PIC_1455.JPG theres a split sitting just below the 'Knuckled area on both sides- bloody thing- help :(


Active Member
Just use duct tape... I had one split on previous grow and used duct tape for about a week then removed...

It will heel just as a cut on your hand...