Aggromax 10x10 tent or build and frame a room


Active Member
Hey everyone! I am trying to device whether to grab the aggromax 10x10 tent for $500 from htgsupply, of if I should bite the bullet and build the room in my basement instead. The challenge is, as of now i will only have my 12 plants, but it could expand to 36 by the end of the year.

Cost of framing is pretty low (can do the work myself) but will have to have an electrician come to add outlets in for me. I was thinking the tent till I get to the point where I need extra space and then build the room instead. I am going to run a rdwc system home built. At the store they suggested 2 1000w lights and dominator xxl reflectors, which sounds about right.

Sorry to ramble, just need to decide. permanence is not the issue, just unsure if theres really a disadvantage to doing the tent outside of non customization. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I would Personally build a room, I would never buy anything from HTG. Not trying to bash any companies but They scam and rip off their customers more than anyone else. If you want a tent, look online. a nice 10x10 won't be 500$.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely build the room, especially if you own your home. That way you can customize it for your equipment and it will make for a more stable environment.


Well-Known Member
I have 30 plants in a 10 x 10 I grow in 7 and 15 gallon pots. It depends on your growing style.


Well-Known Member
Room or tent you'll need about the same amount of electrical, so that's a moot point.

A built room is more sturdy and having studded walls gives you many more mounting options for equipment.

Figure a 10x10 tent will be around 9x9, maybe less, once the sides get sucked in, I lost at least a foot in my 4.5 sq tents before I made supports for the sides. A room will always be 10x10.