ahh i transplanted my plant while it was flowering and im freaking out!


Well-Known Member
well my plants been flowering and has pop corn buds on it, and it outgrew what i had it in so i transplanted it, and well i got most of the roots but not all of them haha is it dumb to be freaking out? its about to rain here too will that effect anything? sorry if i sound dumb, ive just never really got this far on a grow before and im worried
Was it root bound? Did it need to be tranplanted? It will stress but should bounce back. Make sure it gets a good watering and then let it dry out. :mrgreen::peace:
it definatly needed to be transplanted, i thought since i started late the plant wouldnt grow as big as it did but i was totally wrong haha
i got a medium sized root ball which is good i guess because the plant is only about 1.5-2 ft tall, i transplanted it into a large bucket so itll have plenty of room
should i let it rain on it a bit then bring it inside? or should i just leave it out there, i went ahead and watered it a bit after i transplanted it so im hopin it will be ok
well its the next morning and everything seems fine, no wilting or anything so i guess it went ok, thanks for everyones help!