Ahh...my plant is wilting-part 2


So...i've had this plant for about a month now. I adopted it from a buddy of mine cuz he can't have them anymore. All I know about it is that its a "Bubblegum Buddah" strain, its about 2 feet tall and it was just startin to form its colla. The original owner only watered it and used miracle grow. It was doing really really good. Was gettin taller and taller and was in really good health. Well, about 4 or 5 days ago, I transplanted it to a bigger pot and from then on, it began to droop and now the leaves are lookin pretty wilty. When I transplanted it, I used the miracle grow potting soil and watered it. I just learned today that using miracle grow is bad for the plant. So...my question is, what in the world do I need to do to save my Bubblicious? I've posted two pictures on this post. A pic of the plant of how it looked right after I had transplanted it and the 2nd pic is what it looks like as of today. I appreciate your tips and comments!


Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
That looks like a few things have occurred.

There's probably a bit of stress due to the transplant and the Miracle Grow. But, I think the biggest problem is over watering. How many times has it been watered recently? Has the soil ever had a chance to completely dry out? Or, actually, it could be the lack of lighting. What size light are you using, what was your buddy using?

If you notice, on the pic of the bad plant, the new growth tips are all semi healthy looking, even though they're droopy. Post up some more info, if we can save them babies we'll do it!


Thank you so much for your response. So far, its been watered twice this week & the leaves have been sprayed with a water bottle everyday for the past 3 days. How often should I water it? I've been trying not to overwater it, but since the transplant, Its been watered more than usual. I'm using flourescent lighting cuz thats the only lighting i have that puts out a lot of wattage. If you want pix of the lighting in the room, i can do that for you. The lights have been 12 on, 12 off...and no, the soil has NOT had a chance to dry out completely. I have to room temperature between 70-75 and using a rotating fan for ventilation. If you need anymore info, let me know ASAP!

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Do you know what you're buddy was using for lighting before? It could be a combo of the stress/overwater/Miracle Grow/low light situation.
What type of flouro's are you using? How many watts?


Well-Known Member
You don't need to spray the leaves with water, just water the plant through the soil. When you water, you should thouroughly saturate the soil until water comes out the drainholes in the bottom of your pot. Then don't water it again until the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry. For now though, don't water again until your soil has had a chance to dry out!

If you are using fluorescent lighting then the tubes need to be very close to the top of the plant, like 2 inches away or so. Since the tubes don't get very hot, you can put them close. The light from fluoros does not penetrate very far, which is why they need to be so close to be effective.


i'm using a philips 40w flourescent lights. theres 4 tubes for each ballast. the plant is directly below it about 4 feet away. heres a pic of the lighting



Well-Known Member
The tops of the plants need to be about 4 inches away from those tubes, not 4 feet. At 4 feet away the light from those tubes is barely doing anything.

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
You gotta get some better lighting buddy. You may be alright, but you wont be happy with the finished product. Your plants are drooping because of the lack of light. Like Antigen said, put those bad boys 2-4" away from the tops of your plant. It doesn't have enough light to perform photosynthesis, so it will continue to wilt until it does.
Good luck, keep us posted!