Ahh problem with leaves dying from lack of root space or what? Please help..

My baby has been outside for a while and doing great, but just lately she's been starting to yellow sporadically throughout the bottom leaves and stems. They turn light green, yellow, pale white, then shrivel off. I think this happened as a seedling when she ran out of root space. The area she's planted in is pretty big. I dug a 1.5x1ft deep hole and surrounded it with tarp. She's getting big, almost 4ft high. I might also add that the dirt underneath and to the sides sucks it's really hard clay. Did I not give her enough space? Do I need to double/triple this hole size and add more dirt asap? Please let me know... It's the only thing I can think of. She's never had problems before and I haven't really had to feed her anything. She has grow big that I give occasionally but I'm 99% sure that's not what it is. I can get some pics if necessary, but reading about what happened, do you concur that I need to give her more space??


Well-Known Member
If the dirt is like clay, im sure thats part of the reason why she's getting sick, and yellowing, also could be lack of food. You might wanna get a huge pot, and transplant. Then, you may wanna get a high quality fert. like Jack's dynamic duo.
Shes in the ground im just gonna give her more space. I have fox farm grow big should be more than efficient. Im gonna prob buy good soiland dig out a large area.


Well-Known Member
Good idea on the soil. But, Running just fox farm grow big aint gonna do the trick my friend... Believe that.