My baby has been outside for a while and doing great, but just lately she's been starting to yellow sporadically throughout the bottom leaves and stems. They turn light green, yellow, pale white, then shrivel off. I think this happened as a seedling when she ran out of root space. The area she's planted in is pretty big. I dug a 1.5x1ft deep hole and surrounded it with tarp. She's getting big, almost 4ft high. I might also add that the dirt underneath and to the sides sucks it's really hard clay. Did I not give her enough space? Do I need to double/triple this hole size and add more dirt asap? Please let me know... It's the only thing I can think of. She's never had problems before and I haven't really had to feed her anything. She has grow big that I give occasionally but I'm 99% sure that's not what it is. I can get some pics if necessary, but reading about what happened, do you concur that I need to give her more space??