Ahhh paranoia


Well-Known Member
im just here talk to other people and make up elaborate storys about growing plants cuz i have no life and get off to role play like that...={D!
oh ya and if your wondering the mustache man smiley is totaly my thing now...={D


Active Member
im thinkin ip address, idk what a mac adress is...

so does that mean if you search everything you need for a grow room and a bunch of shit on how to grow weed its possable to be traced back to in negative ways? i thought google only took down what was searched and what link was clicked afterthe search so they can move it higher up on the list...
No, google do more than this. A few years back they released (I can't remember if it was accidental or on purpose) information about what people were searching on...it was released anonymised by number...but if you knew someone's number, well, game over...(they set a cookie on your computer, and can associate searches with your computer and therefore you). Google have a bad rep for complying with government requests (e.g. the whole China thing). If your government had a warrant, yes, they would be able to associate your searches with you...BUT think about the sheer volume of people who do dodgy searches. Personally, I think peodophiles have much more to be concerned about...but again, if you don't want anyone to have the possibility of tracking you use scroogle...it's a fantastic idea. No one can track shit about you then (well, about your searches anyway).

The Scooby Master

Active Member
Take a look at this. It is the first episode of the Spike show DEA. At the beginning it shows them checking every house in a neighborhood looking for heat signatures with a fleer. After they find one, they go in and bust it.


It is a tv show promoting the dea's activities, so who knows what is really happening. I am not sure about the timeline of the flir being made an invasion of privacy, acording to tv.com this was aired 5/7/08, so maybe this was before that.

The grow itself while impressive in size at a glance, looks very ghetto, but they dont show enough of it.


Well-Known Member
this thread has got so fucked up!
from reassuring a guy, its gone mega paranoid
good job i dont smoke or grow weed.


Well-Known Member
damnit! my girlfriend's computer s too slow... got to wait until i get home... man i was hyped


Well-Known Member
dude everyone in that video had a long past. they were in situations that they shouldnt have been doing that in anyway, and did you see the size of the grow room? and he was just venting it out, there was no oder controll at all. it was an amiture mistake.


Well-Known Member
the thing is most grows dont get caught, its the people that shouldnt be growing in the first place (probation, porol, selling drugs from the grow house, ect) its all that kind of stupid shit that gets you watched and busted, if you are a normal citizen, have a job, actualy represent yourself as a part of society at all then you will be fine.

as long as you arent sucking 10,000 watts...