Air Cooled Hood or Cool Tube?? for 400w 3x3x6 tent


ok so I am gearing up for my new 400w 3x3x6 grow tent. so I have figured out ventilation. gonna use 6 inch carbon filter /440 cfm exhaust and 6 inch 240 cfm inline fan for intake. im gonna be sucking air through light fixture and carbon filter and out to chimney. my question now is what light fixture to use. have heard good things about the air cooled hoods in regard to staying cool through venting. have also heard cool tubes work great as well..... so what fixture do you guys think would be best for my 400w setup ???? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I have a cool tube... Love it!

You get the plants a lot closer than the standard square hoods.

Either way make sure the hood you get is enclosed. Sometimes those 400 watt Hoods don't have glass. I know because I have one and Never use it. <--- it was free from a friend though.


okay cool the one im looking at is enclosed with tempered glass..... so you think the cool tube will be a better choice as far as keeping cool and not burning plants???


Well-Known Member
Cool tubes can still burn your plants if they get to close. It is really a matter of preference. Eventually I want to setup a vertical grow and the cool tube will work for that situation. So I bought it thinking ahead. Plus it stays way cooler than my square one. Probably cause the air blows straight through and doesn't bounce off of anything.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a 400 watt cooltube in a 4 X almost 4 X 2.5 cabinet with no heat issues...can't speak for the hood because I've never used one...but my cooltube does the job...