Air flow for cooking soil


Well-Known Member
So i just put my mix of promix, casting, compost and amendments ect into plastic trash cans to cook n build micros for a month.
Question is, can i put the lid on the cans for this month. Or is it better to leave it off for air flow? My concern is bugs laying eggs n shit in my soil.
I would rather leave the lid on. But if it will hinder growth i am all ears. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So i just put my mix of promix, casting, compost and amendments ect into plastic trash cans to cook n build micros for a month.
Question is, can i put the lid on the cans for this month. Or is it better to leave it off for air flow? My concern is bugs laying eggs n shit in my soil.
I would rather leave the lid on. But if it will hinder growth i am all ears. Thanks.
I leave my soil in black 44 gallon Rubbermaid trash cans, I keep the lids on.

I live in 100°+ Summer weather area, never had an issue with my soil getting too hot or drying out with a well sealed lid.

I just used a batch I mixed last October in 2013, good as could be.

Additionally I find that the lid allows the top of the soil to recycle the moisture that evaporates, encouraging more mycelium growth.


Well-Known Member
Me too...just last Friday I did the same turned over my soils, and breathed in some of the fungi(I think) avoid at all costs, I got some of my breathing ability back lol


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and put the lid on. It won't make an air tight seal.

It's not a bad idea to turn your soil to introduce fresh oxygen once or twice during the "cook". I just lay down a tarp in my basement (prop up the edges using 4x4s or something like that), dump the soil, mix it around a little, and shovel it back in.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys have heat in the middle of your recycled soil mixs? I made a batch for the first time and at first it had heat but a foul smell so I naturally dumped it out on two separate occasions and turned it with fans directly on it.( Before I did this I had some whiteish/grey mold goin on too. I understand white is fine but grey ...not so much correct?...)

It is now "moist" and what I feel is moist I guess... It does clump when I squeeze it, but enough to make me feel it is fine and no water squeezes out.

Now it has no heat and smells like dirt. I know the dirt part is great but the heat is worrying me a bit since heat is good when I compost. Some one please Advise!! :)


Well-Known Member
I get a little warmth in the middle, but not hot to the tough or anything. Warmth indicates RAPID degradation is going on, which also explains why you ended up with some funky smells (oxygen was depleted faster than it could recharge, and anaerobic organisms started working).

The fact that it has cooled down and smells like dirt is a good indication that it's ready (same as compoat).