Air Flow

Does this look ok for air flow? iv posted pisc for air in out and of the fan inside the room.. thanks also is the carbon filter doing its job here?airflow1.jpgThis is the pic of carbon filter and the vent sucking air out the grow room.
airflow2.jpga lil fan pushing air into the room.
airflow3.jpgant the fan inside the room moving the air about.

Any advice would be great thanks.:leaf:


Active Member
To me it doesn't look like that fan is goin to move much air into ur room,if any at all. What fan do you have to suck air out ur room threw ur carbon filter?


Active Member
i looks like his pics are out side his room the carbon filter is sucking air out and the little fan is sucking air in am i right??


Active Member
alright will remember it doesnt matter how it looks or what other ppl say it matters if it works man lol you say it works then your set


Well-Known Member
look a bit small to me .. both intake and the ventilation that pulls air out .. what is the ventilation size ? 4 inch`s ?

and how big is your room M/3

what kind of temps can you keep .. plants look a bit dropy to me .. but hard to see ..

also .. make the tube and bends as less as possible .. every meter of tubeings and every bends make the ventilation less effective

I would see if I could add the ventilation directly on the filter (make it air tight with some of that Alu tape you got .. and the tube from the vent to out side the room as short and direct as possible ..

I would also move that small fan inside and just make sure I had 2x the size of the ventilation as passive intake
(Etc. a 4 inch vent need atlest 8 inch hole)

don't need a ventilation to pull air in .. its pure physics .. as air is pulld out .. it make a under pressure and pull fresh air/co2 in from every opening .. every !

make sure to keep a little under pressure in the room .. so no smell escapes once they are in flowering and stink ..
