air layering


Active Member
hey guys, just in case you were unaware, here is another way to clone your plants exact genetic traits without taking cuttings. just scrape away the outer layer of stem as you would on a cutting, then cut 3/4 through the stem in the middle of where you scraped. apply a rooting hormone just as you would a cutting, wrap with any waterholdind porous material( i use root riots), water, wrap with plastic wrap, tie with twist ties, and voilà in acouple of weeks you should start seeing roots coming out of the root riot. just cut below the roots and youhave another plant. IMG_00000098.jpgIMG_00000099.jpg


Active Member
i have tried it on ornamentle plants before with great success, i see no reason why it should not work on cannabis.IMG_00000108.jpg

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'll sub to this, are you going to keep us updated? i'd like to see the finished cutting, and i'm also wondering do you just cut the stem flush at the bottom of the root riot cube or do you cut up into the cube so as not to have some of the stem sticking out of the bottom? i'll have some rep waiting for when those roots pop i haven't seen this done before and can see some benefits for it regarding plant numbers


Active Member
i will keep you updated, this is an old practice among horticulturists. some use sphagnum moss, others use potting soil. i use root riots because of neatness. also, this practice saves space while theclones are waiting to root. staymedicated


Active Member
I have heard of this before in: Marijuana Botany: Propagation and Breeding of Distintive Cannabis By Robert Connell Clarke awsome book. It skims over lots of different methods from grafting to SCROG.
I was having a hard time cloning a strain I had run for awhile. this book and air layering was recommended by friends.


Active Member
wdragon, you cut flush with cube, if alittle stem is sticking out thats ok its going to be under the soil. yes madmike, i use this to propagate super lemon haze which i have had a problem getting cuttings to root. there is also a method called soil layering, where you bend a branch down to the soil, cut a tongue in the stem towards the growing tip, apply rooting hormone, cover with soil, stake and wait. its nice trying different methods, i am happy to share with all yall. stay medicatedIMG_00000113.jpg
Careful if you decide to use sphagnum moss u can get some serious infections. This method works on tons of plants ive been doing/teaching it for years at RIPAC meetings. Rockwool cubes and promix also work very well as a medium.
this is the book that taught me. ONe of our local university professors helped alot on this one.
great book on this


Active Member
just an update, no roots showing through the root riots, but the plant looks great. roots should be observable soon.IMG_00000158.jpg


great method too -I like it and will try it out 'cause my "reserva Privada" OG KUSH is a tough clone. Maybe this is the way to go.Then again it'll help with keeping my "count" to a limit thats lowenough too.