Air Pump Timing


Active Member
Hi all,
I just set up a Hydroponics drip system in my closet. It's only one bucket under a 42w CFL. My question is, how often should I run my pump? The bucket holds 5 gal of water and the light cycle is 18/6 now.


Well-Known Member
Are you using a water pump or air pump? You say that you are doing a drip system but you don't mention a water pump.... Air pumps that are pumping air into the rez should be left on all the time.


Active Member
I'm talking about an air pump that is powering the drip cycle of a GH Drip Ring.
So, I guess that you mean it stays on 24/7?


Well-Known Member
I haven't used the system you are talking about so I don't know for sure. I would guess you would have to have it on a timer though because you don't want the roots to be too wet


Active Member
Well, what the pump is doing is pumping air into the reservoir, where in turn the water is forced up into the top drip ring, watering the hydroton and roots.
Hopefully this helps out :]

EDIT: I just picked up a timer. It can do can do 6 settings daily. So I'll probably try doing 4/on 4/off three times a day. How does this sound?