Air quality


Active Member
Hello. My grow room is going to be in my crawl space. I plan on pulling air from crawl space into grow room. Trouble is the air is stale. So I’m wondering if I can put a fan in crawl space to circulate air and use a hepa filter to filtrate the air going into grow room. Would this work?


Well-Known Member
A crawl space is an excavated area of dirt under a living space of a dwelling, unlike a basement with a foundation. I would not be drawing air from a dirt crawlspace. They tend to be prone to moisture, mold, mildew, vapors, odors and radon. No bueno. YMMV


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure how much clearance you will have as it runs 18“ minimum .

Why not a simple closet grow or 2x2 tent for starters ?