air stones vs venturi aeration


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to see what some of yalls opinions are on replacing air stones with a venturi style aerator in DWCs. seems like yould get alot more smaller bubbles. also water movement would be better so your nutes wouldnt just settle to the bottom of the res. maybe making res changes less often a possibility, or at least easier.

any pros or cons yall can think of are appreciated :peace:


Well-Known Member
What is the venturi style im goin to make a bubbler soon and am looking at different types of air stones and bubble discs etc.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=ARIAL, HELVETICA]A Lesson in Air Bubbles
Bob Heideman
Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc.
The smaller the air bubble, the more slowly it will rise, giving it more time to dissolve in the water.
Due to the higher density of salt water, air bubbles are usually smaller in salt water than in fresh water.
A large 20mm bubble has a volume of 4.19 cm3, and a surface area of 12.6 cm2.
You could make 260 small 3mm bubbles from the large bubble. They would
have a total surface area of 83.6 cm2. This is 6.6 times the surface of the 20mm bubble.
The small bubbles, can theoretically aerate 6.6 times as much water with the same amount of air.
Knowing the importance of air bubble size, the effectiveness of different aerator systems becomes readily apparent!


Air stone aerators are an inexpensive way to keep bait alive in small containers. They are quiet and gentle, but because their bubbles are typically larger, they need a greater amount of bubbles for a large amount of bait.
Air stone aerators do provide gentle aeration, but they sustain less bait per unit of air than aerators that produce smaller bubbles.

This is the much copied, old aeration technology. They can be purchased as a floating aerator or a bottom aerator with suction cups.
The fast-moving water at the output of the pump creates a vacuum, which suck air into the pump output. This system typically provides larger amounts of smaller air bubbles than previously discussed aerators.
Some models damage bait due to the high speed of water from the pump output.

seems like you could put something in front of the outlet to slow the water down after it left the pump so it wouldnt damage the roots, and still get tons-o-bubbles


New Member
interesting I would like to learn a bit more about this style.....
is it run with an air pump or a water pump? got any pictures of these things?


Well-Known Member

they are just water pumps with a hose ran to the surface of the water. that clear hoes pulls a vacuum when the unit is running. that is how the air gets down into the pump. this is the cheapest pump i could find at 6.00.
im going to pick up 2 the next time i head to town. "i think walmart has them." ill let yall know if they work or not.


New Member

they are just water pumps with a hose ran to the surface of the water. that clear hoes pulls a vacuum when the unit is running. that is how the air gets down into the pump. this is the cheapest pump i could find at 6.00.
im going to pick up 2 the next time i head to town. "i think walmart has them." ill let yall know if they work or not.
i may have to try those. keep this thread so that you can let us know if they work good or not. im tired of hooking up a million airstones over and over myself.