Airport security,cotton prices and fox news.


Well-Known Member
Man my head is in a "spin",,,for some unreasoning I have watched fox news all day today:sad:,,,I love how there trying to treat this airport security issue like it's "obama's fault on our constitution",,,Was started after September 11th 2001,,,so get your facts straight, also glenn beck is try to push the "future rise in cotton prices as inflation",,,I guess yea because it's a simple concept of supply and demand:wall: Due to floods and weather cotton supplies are down so supply is up=higher prices NOT INFLATTION. Man pathetic,,,that I have actually watched this all day:clap:
I don't know about cotton but gas has gone up 23 cents in the past 2 weeks and my grocery bill is about 25 dollars more. I guess Bush done it he has been out of office 2 years


Well-Known Member
I don't know about cotton but gas has gone up 23 cents in the past 2 weeks and my grocery bill is about 25 dollars more. I guess Bush done it he has been out of office 2 years
Well when the cost oil goes up everything you buy will go up due to higher transportation costs. Ever wonder why deisel has been much higher than gas for how long now? It used to be just the opposite, It costs more to produce gas than deisel and gas is not transporting grocery's to your local store.
I know of absolutly nothing that has not gone up in prices that's just the way this system operates.


New Member
I don't have a problem with any of this, except the illegal detainment and threat of civil suit.

As far as TSA searches go, they make me feel safe when I fly. If I have to be the token white guy that gets his nuts grabbed by some fruitloop TSA agent that enjoys his job too much, so they can do this to A-rabs at a 5:1 ratio, then I'd be willing to take that one for the team so the flight is safer. Plus, I have an exceptionally large penis, and might jump a few times in the backscatter x-ray to let my dick sway.
Righto, are you exceptionally Gay also? I'm not, and have an average size, (9") penis, which by the way has always satisfied me. In the interest of not going to jail, I will submit to their antics, but they better play by the book, no fruity stuff or I will call a supervisor and let him know. Whomever said they'd be better served by a female agent, was right on the money.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying,,,I seen the problems,,,But we have not have had a major "Attack",,,since 9/11/2001,,,Thank "Bush",,,and "Obama",,,because you would definatly hear it from some,,,If A plane blew up cause explosives were hidden in the groin on a jet,,,who's going to be responsable,,,Damn Dem's,,,damn if you do and damn if you don't!
Must be a tea-bagger,,,that does not want his tea bag's checked?
I'm not a tea-bagger,,,I like coffee much more so that MUST make me a socalist,,,I do support them RIGHT?


Well-Known Member
here's Fox News' current headline:

Terror Trial Setback for Obama

nobody cited in the story says its a setback, nobody thinks its a setback, save for fox news.

the guy got convicted of the one charge he could be actually proven guilty of. and lest we forget the guy is facing 20 to life at sentencing. not exactly a cakewalk.... fair and balanced... yeah right


New Member
Righto, are you exceptionally Gay also? I'm not, and have an average size, (9") penis, which by the way has always satisfied me. In the interest of not going to jail, I will submit to their antics, but they better play by the book, no fruity stuff or I will call a supervisor and let him know. Whomever said they'd be better served by a female agent, was right on the money.
5.5" is average bro.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What people should do is return the favor, when your breasts or genitalia are being fondled...reach for theirs and ask if they want to get a room.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with any of this, except the illegal detainment and threat of civil suit.

As far as TSA searches go, they make me feel safe when I fly. If I have to be the token white guy that gets his nuts grabbed by some fruitloop TSA agent that enjoys his job too much, so they can do this to A-rabs at a 5:1 ratio, then I'd be willing to take that one for the team so the flight is safer. Plus, I have an exceptionally large penis, and might jump a few times in the backscatter x-ray to let my dick sway.
See, thats the old way. The new way is EVERYONE gets that. You, me, your neighbor, the old white guy down the street. EVERYONE.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
This is animal training, conditioning you to submit. The government is directly behind all this "terrorism" so they can gain more control. Do some research, you will come to the same conclusion.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Ben Franklin


Active Member
A timely and appropriate Ben Franklin quote! Follow the money...all the way back to the men who funded the Bolsheviks in Russia and the National Socialists in Germany and then the picture comes into focus.


Well-Known Member
Well when the cost oil goes up everything you buy will go up due to higher transportation costs. Ever wonder why deisel has been much higher than gas for how long now? It used to be just the opposite, It costs more to produce gas than deisel and gas is not transporting grocery's to your local store.
I know of absolutly nothing that has not gone up in prices that's just the way this system operates.
I am sorry some body made you watch Fox (my favorite channel} but try again you might learn something. I know Bush was the one who ran the oil companies out of the Gulf because of the spill(even if he was out of office) and gas goes up.


New Member
I am sorry some body made you watch Fox (my favorite channel} but try again you might learn something. I know Bush was the one who ran the oil companies out of the Gulf because of the spill(even if he was out of office) and gas goes up.
Gas goes up because it can. We need to nationalize the Gas and oil industry and put price controls on it. It is a natural resource, owned by Americans (American gas and oil). We could get control of prices by just controlling them instead of speculators on wall street. Wall street and the banks are the biggest crooks on the planet. Do you suppose that BP is getting the money back from the spill by up charging us, the Americans, more for gasoline?? Why not, they can can't they? Yes, like Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., we need to nationalize all our natural resources. Why should we be held hostage to high prices so some asshole on Wall street can buy a new mercedes?


Well-Known Member
This is sick and it's disgusting how people give up their rights for their 'safety'. It's a fucking scam. The scanners don't protect us from shit. They strip you of your dignity either by digital strip search with perverts in another room looking at your wife and children, naked. That or submit to a physical pat-down touching genitalia. What a wonderful job for child molesters. Then you have the fact that the scanners don't work. Watch this video [english subtitles] that shows how they can still sneak on plenty of things to destroy the aircraft. A suicide bomber could blow themselves up at the checkpoint or they could put explosives up their anus/vagina.

Who's making money off this? People like Michael Chertoff, ex-Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush and co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act. He also co-founded the Chertoff Group, a risk management and security consulting company, which employs several senior officials from his time as Secretary of Homeland Security as well as Michael Hayden, a former Director of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. This fucker was pushing for these to be bought by the US Government while he had a vested interest in the companies selling them. And this shit is allowed!?

Reference videos for on-page viewing...
