Ak-47 and NLxHaze soil Grow....Pics!


Well-Known Member
Hey BWinn thanks for stopping by. Both of the AK47 are covered in female preflowers, One of the NLxHaze has female preflowers...i think they are coming on the second one but should know in a day or two for sure.


Well-Known Member
awsome and thanks for the reply. those plants are gonna be huge lol. my next grow im just gonna grow one huge plant or maybe two lol. anyway very nice grow cant wate to see that monster bud. good luck


Well-Known Member
awsome and thanks for the reply. those plants are gonna be huge lol. my next grow im just gonna grow one huge plant or maybe two lol. anyway very nice grow cant wate to see that monster bud. good luck
Thanks Bwinn...yeah they are going to be big....might have to do a little bending....stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
OK....4 days into flower. I am still not sure what one of the NLxHaze is. Here are some pics....they arent the best....I believe this is male. The strain is supposed to be a longer flowering plant so maybe I am just being impatient. The other NLxHaze showed female clearly about a week ago. .....What do you guys think it is? Any advice for taking better pics with the HPS on?



Well-Known Member
Another question. How do I use Budswel along with my Fox Farm Nutes? I have been feeding with every other watering....which watering do i add the budswel too? When do i start?


Well-Known Member
thats a big girl lol. she's gonna make you happy very happy. nice pic's
Thanks Bwinn....the plant definitely looks just like the other NLxHaze..but she isn't showing any white hairs that I can see...but I sure like the way you think!


Well-Known Member
Here they are.....8 Days in Flower....growing..like weeds!!! The surprise is I also have a 5th plant from a bs.....help me figure the mystery strain! First pic is the whole garden...2nd is AK-47 bud start.....3rd.....Ak-47 plant.......4th....my 2 NLxhaze....getting tall!!! The bagseed is the shortest front most plant....they are loving the 1000w HPS!


The Stig

Well-Known Member
hey men nice grow!!
they really look healthy and bushy... right on the way for a good bongsmilie haha
cant wait to see the final results


Well-Known Member
tears are rolling from my eyes thats so beautiful! i bet your excited, keep up the great work man! +rep


Well-Known Member
Here they are.....8 Days in Flower....growing..like weeds!!! The surprise is I also have a 5th plant from a bs.....help me figure the mystery strain! First pic is the whole garden...2nd is AK-47 bud start.....3rd.....Ak-47 plant.......4th....my 2 NLxhaze....getting tall!!! The bagseed is the shortest front most plant....they are loving the 1000w HPS!
Looking good!!!!!! :joint::blsmoke::mrgreen:.