AK-47 Coco Scrog


Well-Known Member
Hello community, Anchorage resident here, and my title says it all.

Seeds: Serious seeds AK-47
Method: Hand watering
My set-up:
- Hortilux 400w HPS
- Phantom 400w digital ballast
- 19" cool tube
- carbon scrubber (for the pungent smell soon to come)
- co2 boost bucket
- 4 fans (3 oscillating 1 can fan (265 cfm)
- 2x2x6 tent

My nutes:
- Canna Coco: A+B, Boost, Cannazym, PK 13/14, Rhizotonic

- GH: pH up and down, Rapid start root enhancer

- Botanicare: Capilex and Huvega (Calmg)

All of this is in a medium of coco/perlite (70/30) grown in air pots.

My screen isn't installed yet. I am going to do that this weekend.

I just planted the germed seed (yes, seed, as in only 1 plant) and I will keep you all posted on its progress and answer any and all questions. I look forward to growing with all of you.:hug:


Well-Known Member
More updates shall come today. Still working out my ventilation. Shit is getting on in that closet haha.


Well-Known Member
So far my little shitling has finally popped out of the dirt and is soaking up its 400w hps. I have been giving it just plain distilled water (5.8 pH). I will be starting it on 1/4th strength in a week and seeing how it takes off from there.
I ran into a heating issue. It started off at 102 degrees Fahrenheit when i let the bulb sit un-cooled for 15 minutes but I managed to drop it down to a consistent 81-82 degrees Fahrenheit by adding a 160 cfm intake can-fan and another oscillating fan.

A few things that I haven't installed yet, but am going to within a few days are a humidifier and the screen. More pics of those to come.


Well-Known Member
Ok so, this hand watering business is getting a little tedious. I work from 7am to 4pm and then school anywhere between 2pm-10pm. Can anyone recommend a good DIY drain to waste system? Perhaps a drip or flood and drain? Which ever is the least amount of hassle, something I can leave hours at a time. All tips are appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, it has been awhile since I updated this thread but i figured I'd let some more developments take place before I posted. A LOT has happened since my last post so hopefully you guys are still sub'd up.

I built a watering system. It consists of 2 pumps, 1 that takes the water from this 10 gallon tote and pumps it into my plant. The other one takes the runoff from my plant and pumps it into that bucket to the right. The tote has a 10 inch air stone and a free line submerged for water circulation with 2 air pumps fueling it all. This makes my watering a whole hell of a lot easier since I don't have much room to hand water. I have the plant on the Canna Coco feeding schedule, just slightly reduced strength.

I also added a screen to my scrog, making it official lol. I kicked the plant over to 12/12 not too long ago. RESULTING IN THIS!!!!

I made the screen out of plastic poultry wire, pvc pipe and zip ties. Fits nicely in my 2x2. I'm still managing the plants growth slightly but trying to let some of it grow taller.

Hope you like thus far. Feed back is always welcome. Keep ya buttholes tight.



Well-Known Member
Hello all, checking back in. It has been 16 days since I started flowering. Here's a snapshot.


I need to manage the undergrowth a bit but other than that everything is going fine.



Active Member
looking good. the more i see these scrog threads, the more i wanna try it out myself. maybe next cycle. keep it growing!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm back for an update. My plant went on for about 9-10 weeks. I don't know why but I said fuck it and chopped it down just now. I filled a 5 gallon bucket full of my wet produce. I haven't taken pics because my phone died but I will get a wet weight for you all and a dry weight later, obviously.

My previous posts and pics were deleted because of some desperate dungeon geeks hacking the website. So I'm not gonna both to repost them unless anyone wants them.


Well-Known Member
ok so wet weight is 1088 grams. Dunno how much of that ill lose after i manicure them hahaha, i still have large branches and such on them. But i guess thats not too bad for wet. I might get close to a pound


Well-Known Member
Although according to most people you lose about 70-80% of your weight, so maybe not that much haha ;(


Well-Known Member
Ok, so they are fully dry now and the dried weight is.........................................................214 grams. 7.5 oz or almost half of a pound!