ak-47 nute req

Does anyone have some specific knowledge of nitrogen requirements for ak-47 im in week 3 of flower growing in soil perlite mix. thanks


Well-Known Member
Its a sativa dominant strain, I don't have experience with it but ill give your thread a bump. Usually, some sativas are "finiky" and can be easily overfed. as you are feeding, id take particular notice to the color of the green in the foliage. If its too dark green, like a dark hunter green, be careful. also study the very tips of the leaves. if the very tips start to look like they are burning back off nute concentration about 25 percent. then wait several days to see if the color recedes to a lighter green and the tips to stop burning.


Well-Known Member
Bump hay there i'm having that exact problem but i'm growing Ak-48 it's also sativa dom i also think it's prone to calmag def so keep an eye out on that to
thanks for for input i got the ak-47 growing next to some lemon sour diesel that i started at the same time, the sour diesel looks great but im definitely gonna have to learn what this ak-47 wants. i gave it some some ca-mg and some more nitrogen yesterday i will let you guys know if i see any improvements